Speeder Goes Airborne, Demolishes Parked Car

CROWN HEIGHTS [CHI] — A speed demon caused a very serious accident Thursday evening, after plowing into a parked car, a house and a fire hydrant, while airborne.

An eye witness, who had been standing in the place of impact just a minute before, told CrownHeights.info that the sports car, a BMW M3, came over the Montgomery Street hill at over 100 MPH and went airborne, spinning in the air and colliding sideways with a parked car, a houses garden retention wall, the fire hydrant, and finally coming to a stop after crashing into the neighboring houses bushes.

Amazingly the driver, Black man, got out of the car and was walking around, until EMS arrived and began treating him. Miraculously there was no one standing around the corner, and the only damage was to property only.


  • Our own show

    A show right here in our own neighborhood. A demolition derby! Day and night it never stops.

  • Uncle Mendel

    When will people learn that a car is just a Big Bullet and your foot is on the trigger all the time?

    Please drive carefully when you Shop at ARLANS!!!

  • aaron

    I cant help but laugh, just a week or two ago someone was complaining that they want to install speed bumps on the street. Take a look at this, you need more?

  • cut your bushes

    Chanin should cut their bushes and stop blocking the sidewalk
    Its just plain rude and inconsiderate

  • Funny

    Someone got a ticket on Friday for parking closer than 15 feet of this (missing) fire hydrant

  • Germany

    Even after seeing this I would still never buy a German car. Not after what they did to the Yidden.


    We dont need speed bumps, this is an isolated incident on montogomery you can make a case for a speed bump since its a wider street with more cause for speeding especially with the lights being so out of sync i can understand speeding some but this guy was doing something that very few people would do!!! on the other hand there is simply no way on a street like UNION and kingston with so little room yet there was a need to put a speed bump??? speed bumps are for parking lots! not for regular streets, this was a SPEEDER not just a guy in a hurry what he was doing was reckless there is a big difference! im happy that they are fighting on that block not to have speed bumps installed, if people dont cross in middle of the street etc there is less of a need for something like speed bumps and speed demons or people taking fast cars for joy rides will happen anyway, so the heck with speed bumps traffic here is bad enough with people trying to go quickly to places speed bumps will only make driving worse here.