Jewish Girl Attacked by Gang – Vaad Honor the Police

CROWN HEIGHTS [CHI] — A Jewish girl was attacked by a mob of four black men on Tuesday evening. The incident took place near the intersection of Union Street and Brooklyn Avenue, where the girl was accosted by the group and punched by one of them.

Thankfully, the girl did not suffer any serious injuries.

According to sources at the scene the gang made no demand of money, and just walked up to her and punched her.

She called police who responded in large numbers, and went out for a search. They did not find the group and a police report was filed.

This attack caps off two weeks of violent attacks aimed at Jewish women and young children; in one of the incidents a 10-year-old Jewish boy was mugged at gunpoint.

The Community Council and Vaad Hakohol has remained mum, and refused to comment. Sources told that there will be a meeting with the police in the near future.

Last night, Thursday, in a Chanukah event hosted by Crown Heights Jewish Community Council, Eli Cohen honored the police department with awards and plaques for excellent work in protecting the community. Cohen told the assembled crowd that contrary to what is being reported we are safe and crime is down thanks to the great work of the police department.

Related Articles:
Police Downplaying Crime, Refuse to File Crime Report
Jews Robbed at Gunpoint on Crown Street
10-Year-Old Beaten and Robbed
Woman Mugged for Her Cell Phone
10-Year-Old Jewish Boy Mugged at Gunpoint

This story, and others, was reported as it happened on our Twitter feed. Follow us to receive up to the minute updates even before they are posted online by following @CHInfoNews.


  • antimesira

    Eli Cohen and his gang say to the residents of Crown Heights…

    “look over their stupid”

  • anon

    This is what Cohen is saying…

    Despite the fact that crime is up, its not really happening.

  • Eli and the Vaad are fools

    Your tongues must be rubbed out from all the licking you do,, U stupid fools. The cops go home at night laughing at your stupid awards which do not depict the way the hamon am feels… Uch,, u guys make me nauseous… from Chanina, down to the lowest of ur stupid members. Our way was to figth back,,,

  • Tova

    everyone call the vaad to complain and offer ideas.also we need more much more civililian patrols. what about a reward to catchers of the muggersWe need Moshiach JNowW

  • concerned resident

    When it will happen to one those idiout’s kids that is when they will realize that there is a problem here.

    We need to bring back Yisroel Shemtov. When he was in charge of Shomrim we had much safer streets.

    We need to put people who care about our children in charge of CHJCC, not a bunch of clowns who are to busy browing their tonges and therefore have no time to take care of the real issues.

  • Meir Kahana`s way (Kahana Tzadek)

    Time to take to the streets and teach these black people a lesson one and for all, forget about these anti Semite “police” protecting us, one knock out on their side will shut them up once and for all, if not will do it again we will be the “oppressor” that is all we can do to make it stop, there is no limit for these black people, as long as they can get away with it they will keep on attacking us for no reason. Time to show some Jewish pride

    Kahane Tzadek!!!

  • frustrated in CH

    im laughing with sad tears in my eyes

    on one hand its sad and pethetic how the leaders have no feelings for reality and its all we have to rely on

    the feeling of this young girl of abuse

    giving the cops plaques and awards for……………….?

    one the other hand i laugh at this its been so long and what can we show for ourselfs

    the elections the vaad the rabbonim

    oh well …..we each stand for our self and defend our self

    we are a lonely community with nothing to look up to

    our anticapasion and excitment was on a high thinking things will be better for us

  • chani

    all the schools should be giving out pepper spray to kids 10 and older, with instructions how to use it even under stress. enough is enough!

  • Eli Cohen?????

    Eli Cohen!!!! He is a project of medical science. They are using him as an experiment to see how long a human can live without a brain. What do you expect?

  • Elki

    Clearly, in this case and all the previous crimes, we can see that the criminals are not afraid of being caught by the Police. That’s where the question begins — relationship between Crown Heights spokemen and the 71st Precinct

  • Levi goldstien

    Eli choen how many rolls of toilet paper did you save the police. And did it help at all they still spit us in the face but it’s ok we don’t excpect better . But what’s with the new vad that we all voted for it’s time to step up to the plate not just hold the bat in your hands we need secure streets we need a secure neighborhood why do we have to fear for our childre it’s time you do something I think we All need to get together in for of the 71 and get the media involved maybe then will get cops on the street


    and there is plenty we can do,take for insistance tznius,as we know tznius protect


    Ali Cohen, I’m not sure how you are but you obviously have no idea what type damage you are doing by giving the cops the that they are doing a great job when they clearly don’t care what happens to anyone in our community.
    Ali, I hope you don’t represent our community in the future.

  • sadinbrooklyn

    The Vaads continued silence on every major issue speaks volumes. The only time we see or hear about the new sparkling vaad is when they are giving awards to politicians and police …

  • Mendel

    Eli Cohen is a fool and we r fools for keying him run us to our graves . We voted for Tamie and he let us down . We r basicly screwed . Our only help is shomriem
    and G- d . Hashem help us

  • To #21

    #211 No not at all, that would be wrong there are A LOT of very nice black people out there. What I am saying is that if the Government or police cannot fight crime then it is our obligation (Jews) to stand up to these hooligans which yes in this “hood” they are all black, read all`s articles about Mugging`s, attacks, and robbery`s (even at gun point) and see that they all black, does that say something? I think it does, now if the Police cannot do anything about it I think that we should start taking matters into our own hands until police do something and by that I don`t mean to give more Parking tickets or summons to people talking on private property, I mean to fight crime for REAL. And Yes Meir Kahane was right and you have to show these people that they cannot do what ever they want to us Jews and get away with it, this has to stop and now!!!

    BTW if this would happen to a black person that a black would get attacked, it would make front pages in the paper, tell me is this not bias?? you have a kid(!) getting held up at gun point, you have another kid(!) getting run over with a bike and getting mugged on the way home from school, where is the Media? where is fat al? why is CH not flooded with reporters? when it was 20 year old black guy CH was full with reporters and it made headlines for a few days, are we not living in a anti Semitic world?

  • Eli Cohen & Vaad are SMART!

    I’m quite surprised that noone here mentioned something basic and simple. its what a good school-teacher & good camp counselor knows & does:

    When a kid is misbehaving, you have the impulse to punish them & put them down & tell them how bad & utterly despicable they are.

    This path will bring tremendous distance & more mis-behavior & will surely not give the child any motivation to do better.

    Instead, the seasoned educator or counselor will start showering the child with praise for what they have done. they will compliment them for ANY good thing that they possibly could – thereby creating a closeness & a motivation for them to continue doing well.

    I think its absolutely the right thing to do – to honor the police for what they have done & they continue to do for us. This will most likely create a closesness & a bond between us & them, giving them a motivation & excitement to continue & do even better.

    Anyone thinking along these lines? Am I the only one?

  • moving out asap

    #13 chanie you are totally right the CHJCC should give out pepper spray (you can purchase legal ones from local pharmacies i have heard) and teach them all how to use it! the day one of these chazeirim try to rob a kid and gets blinded they will all hear about it how the jews are arming themselves and are not a weak bunch to pick on, these ppl have no shame to attack a girl!!!

  • reality disconnect

    Typical CH mentality: denial, denial, denial. Face the facts and adress the situation realistically. This is a deeply run belief that has spilled over to other areas of life beyond the spiritual. Is there a pro-activist in the community who will step up to the plate? Why not let a woman be in charge!

  • Auggiy

    I read these replies in disgust. Every black person is not a robber. Because one does bad does not mean they are all bad. If one jew does bad, does that mean all jews are bad. Some here need to get help.

  • antimesira

    Hay you boys and girls, mammies and Tatties, brothers and sister, neighbors and Friends, not only did you get robbed, mugged and traumatized by what happened to you….


    This has been a family friendly message from COLLIES.COM

  • awacs

    “Every black person is not a robber.”

    Yes, Auggiy, but every robber (in CH) is black.