NOW LIVE: Kinus Hatmimim Haolami Farbrengen

Bochurim from around the world came together in Crown Heights to mark Yud Shvat. The main and most anticipated event is the central Farbrengen which takes place each year in Beis Rivkah, Campus Chomesh in the Rosa Hall with thousands in participation.

This year, the Vaad Talmidai Hatmimim have organized that the event be broadcasted live over the internet to benefit those that could not make it.

Broadcast Ended, stay tuned for a rebroadcast.

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Photos: Lubavitcher Yeshiva Participates in Worldwide Farbrengen

CROWN HEIGHTS, Brooklyn [CHI] — Children from around the world took part in a unique and special Farbrengen which was hooked up through the internet, connecting thousands of children worldwide in honor of Yud Shvat.

More pictures in the Extended Article!

Photo of the Rebbe in Honor of Yud Shvat!

The Avner Institute is happy to present, in honor Yud Shvat, a very unique picture of the Rebbe from the Elul of 1968. Readers are welcome to share any information they know about this photo by use of the Comment System! To Learn more about the Rebbe visit:

Yud Shvat and Bosi Legani

Introduction for Yud Shvat (the Tenth day of the Hebrew month of Shvat)

1. Yud Shvat commemorates the passing of the Previous Rebbe, Rebbe Yosef Yitzchak Schneerson , in the year 1950.

Yud Shvat also celebrates when our Rebbe, Rebbe Menachem Mendel Schneerson , assumed the mantle of leadership exactly one year after the passing of his father-in-law, the Previous Rebbe.

2. Some basic information about the Previous Rebbe:

The Previous Rebbe, Rebbe Yosef Yitzchak Schneerson, was born in the year 1880 in Lubavitch, Belarus.

At the age of fifteen he was appointed as the personal secretary of the fifth Lubavitcher Rebbe, his father, Rebbe Shalom DovBer.

Did you make a Hachlata for Yud Shvat yet?

Why not take on a JNet Chavrusa?

Last month 59 people signed up looking for someone to learn with them, We are constantly looking for more members of Anash to participate in this great Mivtza. Your commitment is just half an hour a week for three months. All you need is a phone and a desire to be involved in shlichus.

ATTENTION SOLDIERS: Don’t be left out!

In honor of Yud Shvat, Lubavitcher children around the world are gathering for a grand Hakhel Rally.

Wednesday, Yud Shevat from 1:00 pm – 1:30 pm (EST).

Join together in achdus with TENS of schools and THOUSANDS of children from around the world!

To participate via web:

Pirsum Rishon in Honor of Yud Shvat!

<%popup(20090201-rebbe-bochurm-lrg.jpg|1000|664|Click Here to enlarge this picture!)%>

The following photo was taking in 1986 and is being published for the first time on Readers are welcome to identify those in the picture by use of the Comment System!

A Rebbe and his Chassid – Rabbi Groner goes to Australia

What is a Rebbe? What is a Chassid? Why are Chassidim following their Rebbe? How is it that a Rebbe can dictate the life of his Chassid? Why do Chassidim leave all their comforts and familiar surroundings to go to far away places for life, just to follow the Rebbe’s wishes?