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In Ravaged Gori Jewish New Year Began On A High Note

GORI, Georgia [CHI] — Tensions continue to flare up between Georgia and Russia, with Gori still a city in shambles where many wait in refugee camps for Red Cross food drop-offs, and bombed houses color the landscape.

All the more reason for Georgia’s Chabad-Lubavitch representatives in Tbilisi, Rabbi Meir and Tzipora Kozlovsky, to arrange for rabbinical students to come to Gori and its neighboring towns and cities, so that the area’s Jews would have the opportunity to get the Jewish New Year off to a good start, with the kind of Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur services that would inspire and uplift them.

More pictures in the Extended Article!

Pedestrian Struck and a Missing Child over Yom Tov

CROWN HEIGHTS, Brooklyn [CHI] — Shmini Atzeres and Simchas Torah in Crown Heights B”H passed with no major incident, Shomrim responded to a call from police for a missing 2-year-old girl by 770, and Hatzalah responded to call for a Lubavitcher that was hit by a car on Kingston.

The missing incident took place on Shmini Atzeres at night, a father lost his two year old daughter in the throngs of people outside 770, and approached police officers for help. The girl was last seen walking down Kingston Avenue but was not home. After searching for a while police enlisted the help of Shomrim who dispatched units the parent’s house then searched 770.

More in the Extended Article.