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The Weekly Sedra – Vayikra – Self-Sacrifice, 
It Doesn’t Really Kill

Rabbi Yoseph Kahanov Shliach to Jacksonville, FL

On a freezing winter night as Napoleon layed under his warm covers, he was overcome by a sudden bout of thirst. Considering that in order to satisfy his craving he would have to leave his cozy conditions and go outside to fetch some water, he contemplated ignoring his nagging discomfort, but was quickly overcome by a powerful sense of shame.

“Napoleon! You have become all but lazy,” he said to himself. “There is evidently no difference between you and the common yokel.” With that, he tore himself out of bed and proceeded out the door to fetch himself some water.

Chayolim of Lubavitcher Yeshiva Snow-Tube Away

BUSHKILL, PA [CHI] — It’s the hottest program of the year; “Project Chayol” at the Lubavitcher Yeshiva, for the Bar Mitzvah Boys and the soon to be Bar Mitzva Boys. The program is one that gives each ‘Chayol’ the knowledge and practical ability to be a Chossid, Yirei Shomayim and Lamden just as the Rebbe blesses each and every Bar Mitzva Boy.

More pictures in the Extended Article!

Wounded Israeli Soldiers to Hit the Slopes in Aspen

By Joshua Runyan and Tamar Runyan

Challenge Aspen, which is partnering with Chabad-Lubavitch of Aspen, Colo., to help 10 wounded Israeli veterans learn how to ski, specializes in making the sport a possibility for people with disabilities. (Photo: Challenge Aspen)

ASPEN, CO — Aharon Gozlan has always dreamed of hitting the slopes.

Ever the sportsman, the 35-year-old is an accomplished basketball player and championship horseback rider. His athletic prowess, in fact, saved lives in 2002, when the Israeli border policeman jumped a suicide bomber in the French Hill section of Jerusalem.

Chabad’s Purim Bashes Draw In the Shy and Wary

R.C. Berman –

BOSTON, MA — Purim, more than any other holiday, say Chabad-on-campus representatives, brings in crowds of students who otherwise keep a safe distance from anything that feels too Jewish. It’s the time of year to reach the unreachable, like Jewish students living in fraternity and sorority houses.

Cheder Lubavitch Chicago First Grade Chumash Celebration

CHICAGO, IL [CHI] — The First Grade class of Cheder Lubavitch of Chicago, under the direction of Rabbi Pinchus Turk, held a Chumash Celebration last week. To commemorate this event, the boys presented a play (in Yiddish) based in Midrash of a childless couple who were blessed with a son in their old age. The boy and his Chumash were kidnapped by a king and his henchman. The boy was saved, by explaining to the king what Sefer Beraishis is all about.

More pictures in the Extended Article!

A Minute for a Mitzvah

In a new effort to inspire the busiest of its site visitors, the Web site unveiled a new section entitled “Mitzvah Minutes.” Designed as “a mitzvah navigator for those of us in the fast lane,” the section provides short articles ñ which shouldn’t take longer than a minute to read ñ about specific good deeds and Divine commandments.

Kosher Certification: Made in China

Alison Klayman

Rabbi Nosson Rodin of the Beijing Chabad scans Orthodox Union guidelines while inspecting the Dongfang Green Tree Food Company.

BEIJING, China [JTA] — As the sun rises on a crisp March morning, a van from the Hebei Dongfang Green Tree Food Company arrives at Rabbi Nosson Rodin’s home in this Chinese capital city.

During the four-hour journey to the company’s factory in Shenzhou, Rodin calls for abreak to recite his morning prayers. He wraps his tefillin at a rest stop as curious truck drivers look on, then gets back into the vehicle.

Councilwoman Letitia James visits Darchai Menachem

CROWN HEIGHTS, Brooklyn [CHI] — Earlier this morning, Thursday, Councilwoman Letitia James (D, Brooklyn) visited Crown Heights’s Yeshivas Darchai Menachem. Ms. James first met with the school’s principal Rabbi Eyal Bension who discussed the schools needs and future plans.

More pictures in the Extended Article!

The Weekly Sedra – Parshas Vayikra

The Rebbe says:

1. This week’s Torah portion begins a new Chumash (book) in the Torah (the Five Books of Moses) named Vayikra (Leviticus). Chumash Vayikra mainly deals with the sacrifices that the Jewish people brought to Hashem in the Beis Hamikdash (the Holy Temple) and it details the work of the Kohanim (the priests).

2. The Torah is everlasting and its lessons are eternal beacons of light which guide the life of every single Jew throughout every generation.

If this rule is generally true with the whole Torah, it is especially true with the lessons that we can learn from the Beis Hamikdash (the Holy Temple) because every single Jew is a “miniature Beis Hamikdash”. As we have pointed out many times, when Hashem promised to rest in the Tabernacle He said, “Make for Me a Temple and I will rest in them” , and our Sages explain that Hashem said, “in them”, in the plural sense, to tell us that every single Jew is just like His Temple in that if they act according to His will He will rest in them.

PIcture of the Day! – The Rebbe!

The Rebbe and Former President of Israel Zalman Shazar during one of his many visits that he made to see the Rebbe, the picture is from the new book on the Rebbe to see more Visit:

Seven Decades Later, Memories Fresh of Soviet Orphanage Escape

Dovid Zaklikowski and Zalman Ruderman –

Soviet officials snapped this picture of a group of Jewish students who were arrested for attending an underground school in Berdichev, Ukraine.

BROOKLYN, NY — Eight young students sat around the table celebrating the anniversary of the passing of the first Chabad Rebbe, Rabbi Shneur Zalman of Liadi. In between singing stirring melodies, they ate bread, herring and hot potatoes, in the “Tailors’ Synagogue” in Berdichev, Ukraine.

New Five Dollar Bill Goes into Circulation

WASHINGTON, DC [CNN] — The U.S. Treasury Department on Thursday began circulating a redesigned $5 bill. The first transaction was at a gift shop near President Lincoln’s summer cottage overlooking Washington.

Also, “How to Catch a Counterfeit” in the Extended Article!