Family and Friends Gather for the Shloshim of Sruly Woonteiler OBM

CROWN HEIGHTS, Brooklyn [CHI] – Its been one month since the tragic passing of HaBochur Sruly Woonteiler OBM, who passed away from the injuries he sustained when the driver of a pickup truck ran him over on a California street, then fled.

Friend and family marked this day with a traditional gathering, a Shloshim in Aliya on East New York Avenue in Crown Heights. Srulys family had arranged a Seudah for the crowd while they heard inspirational words from Rabbi Alter Metzger, who spoke about Mesirus Nefesh and the preparations one must do for the Yomim Noiroim.

More pictures in the Extended Article!

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The Weekly Sedra – Parshas Nitzavim-Vayeilech

The Rebbe says:

1. Every year without exception we read the Torah portion of Nitzavim on the Shabbos before Rosh Hashanah (the New Year).

2. We know that every Shabbos has a connection to and includes in it all the days of that coming week. Therefore, there must be a connection between Parshas Nitzavim and Rosh Hashanah (because, as we said, Rosh Hashanah is one the days included in the coming week of the Shabbos on which we read Parshas Nitzavim).

Question: What is the connection between the Torah portion of Nitzavim and Rosh Hashanah?

Lubavitch School in London Earns Top Marks From Government Agency
The London home of the Lubavitch House School for Senior Girls (Photo: Osher Litzman)

LONDON, England — Government inspectors from the United Kingdom’s Office for Standards in Education, Children’s Services and Skills praised the Lubavitch House School for Senior Girls in the London neighborhood of Stamford Hill for its high standards and multiple achievements.

A MUST ATTEND: Community Wide Meeting – Healing Our Souls – Q&A Session

CROWN HEIGHTS, Brooklyn [CHI] — In light of the two recent tragedies that have plagued our community L”A, there will be a special Q&A session for the residents of Crown Heights.

It will be taking place this Motzoai Shabbos, September 8 at 9:45pm in the Razag Hall located at 739 East New York Ave. [between Troy and Albany]. Separate seating for Men and Woman.

The full flyer can be viewed in the Extended Article.

Hundreds Attend the Annual Siyum HoRambam HaOlami

CROWN HEIGHTS, Brooklyn [CHI] — Hundreds of Bochurim and Anash attended the 25th annual Siyum HoRambam HaOlami in the Oholei Torah Ballroom in Crown Heights last night.

More pictures in the Extended Article. (Photos by: Eli Kahan)