LONDON, England — Government inspectors from the United Kingdom's Office for Standards in Education, Children's Services and Skills praised the Lubavitch House School for Senior Girls in the London neighborhood of Stamford Hill for its high standards and multiple achievements.
Lubavitch School in London Earns Top Marks From Government Agency
LONDON, England — Government inspectors from the United Kingdom’s Office for Standards in Education, Children’s Services and Skills praised the Lubavitch House School for Senior Girls in the London neighborhood of Stamford Hill for its high standards and multiple achievements.
The report, which was authored by lead inspector John Godwood, pronounced that the “pupils’ spiritual, moral, social and cultural development is outstanding.”
It also noted the school’s nurturing and caring environment: “Pupils feel safe and trust the staff, who care for them well,” the report concluded.
Students with special needs have “good individual support,” while gifted students have the opportunity to compete in advanced mathematics programs and study competitions.
H. B
I have a hard time believing the truth in this article. As any one who has been through the system in London/Stamford Hill can tell you, the education & staff suck and most students leave the school with no qualifications whatsoever.
Any girl going to a Seminary from the London Lubavitch school is way below par in every Hebrew subject. This is brought to painful reality when one realises the high level of the other girls.
Lubavitch in London is stuck in the ice – age with no sign of a melt down.
From a very unhappy former pupil and now willing ex-pat.
What a mind blowing load of ….! I learnt in Beis Lubavitch London and can say with full clarity that the standards of learning in that school are so low they are actually not even on the chart. I wonder who they paid off to write that article.
My Back
Well done, we are very proud of you
With the Beis Rivka strike and all our troubled children hanging out in the streets of Crown Heights; it’s good to hear that at least one Chabad school is doing well.
Kol Hakavod!
Baila Sufrin
Go Stamford Hill!!!!!!! Make us proud.
could it be?
em, is this the SAME Lubavitch school we all grew up in? It sounds awfully different?`
maybe yes? can u belive it? it actually is a really good school compared to most others. do u know that 2 girls got letters from the gcse boards to say that they were 2 of the TOP 10 students in the country in science? Isn’t that awesome? 2 girls were top 10 in the whole country!!!
A disappointed former student
Haha what a joke….this cant be a serious article!!
H.B. has it spot on…i was even rejected from a sem, the excuse given was that i went to the Lubavitch school in London!!!
If only even a percentage of what was written above is true it wouldn’t be such a laugh – there is no point even mentioning the negative points b/c it wouldn’t be noticed by the people who need to hear and see it to make a difference………
EX N16
Read the continued article: 2 of the top ten out of the entire UK were from that school… Must be a conspiracy… Lubavitch Cant be good, it will ruin my depressing coccoon that i live in
it-s true
Theyre trying to change and BH are doing very well, and yes, the article is true
a student!
We are now in ELUL If you have anything not nice to say about the Lubavitch school please keep it to yourseves or blow your mind out somewhere else! I went to the lubavitch school of london and got accepted into 2 seminary’s! Please all ex people from London enjoy yourselves wherever you are and realize that the future could change for the good. Have a kesiva vechasima tova!
proud Londoner
first of all, to those of you who, for whatever reason, have negative feelings about the school, did you stop and think for a minute before you posted, what a tremendous diservice you are doing to our girls. This is a public forum and when you write such negative things about graduates from Lubavitch school, what do you think the heads of sems think? what do you think people considering shidduchim with girls from london think?
Second of all, as a mother in London with girls both in the school at the moment and girls who have been to top sems, I have to tell you that the pupils in school are both happy and productive. Any problems through the years have been addressed immediately. The girls in sem found themselves en par with any BR graduate both in Skills and in background.
congratulations on the wonderful report, and may you have continued success!
Kol hakavod!
Wow, this is incredible! Way to go!
To all those who think that perhaps Lubavitch House is in collusion with the government inspectorate, as well as the grading authority, grow up and get a life! It is ludicrous to even suggest that. We’re not talking about an internal study, this was released by two separate groups, one of which is the government’s educational oversight board. Your comments give one an inkling of why you may not have achieved much in school and why you were not accepted into a seminary.
The good ("good" being the operational word) girls, who are the majority, that I’ve met that went through that system seem to be very well-versed in Jewish and secular subjects.
A Happy London Parent
Impressed wrote:
Read the continued article: 2 of the top ten out of the entire UK were from that school… Must be a conspiracy… Lubavitch Cant be good, it will ruin my depressing coccoon that i live in
That’s exactly the problem – true there were problems in the past – some were the fault of the school but some were the fault of the parents or children – but people are happier to blame the school and the school has fortunately improved. Whilst it may not be perfect it has improved greatly and the girls do leave with lots of A’s and A*’s and the Sem story is also old – the girls are accepted on their own merits and knowledge in all the best sems. It’s time to move on!!
Get a life!
Some of you brits are truly messed up… you can’t accept anything positive even if it stares you in the face..
It’s a miracle ANYONE would want to cater to ingratful grumps like you. Grow up and get a life!
Kol Hakovod
Mazal Tov and kol Hakovod to all those involved…Mrs Freeman, Rabbi Lew, Mrs Junik and all the wonderful teachers who make a difference in so many of the girls lives. I was there once upon a time and it has held me in good sted and got me the great job that i have today.So well done and keep up the good work for all future pupils!!
Former Student of LSGS
I was in LSGS and not proud to say it!
All the past comments are TRUE…
Girls that went to lubavitch of london did get into top sem’s… BUT that is because they are top students but did not get it from school… the girls that go into top sem’s got it from HOME… from the PARENTS… they are the girls that learn at home with their parents…
They did NOT get it from school!
To:Kol hakavod! wrote:
I am not disputing that great girls come from London, it is a fact that when they do go to other schools/seminary’s they shine in their own way. When productions are put on the London girls have proven to be truly talented in all areas, singing, dance, art, etc. They also marry well and have true yiddishe, chassidishe homes. That said, however, I still maintain that the education in Beis Lubavitch is severly lacking. I am saying this from actual experience. I went to B.L.L. as a girl and went from there to Sem – I was accepted immediately without any problems – however I was absolutly mortified at how low of a standard/school I came from, it was a struggle all year – and before your snide remarks, I was not the only one struggling, all the English girls were. Now I am married and have a daughter and sister the same age, both in school, one in London and one in N.Y. so once again I can say, factually, that the standards are not the same. I actually remember my daughter learning something in 3rd grade that I myself learnt in High School!!!!
All said, I do wish B.L.L. much continued Hatzlocha and a Gut G’Bentched Yar to everyone.
Formerly from Stamford Hill
Well done Mrs Freeman you deserve most of the credit, Rabbi Lew you are a true role model and a great person to learn from
Of course it’s important to thank the staff for their tireless dedication in insuring the productive growth of the school however I believe the pupils also deserve a big Yasher Koach for all their efforts in their studies and for their chassidishe enthusiasm which helps make the school a mosad for the Rebbe to be proud of!! Keep up the great work girls!!!!!!
Former LSGS student
I generally dont comment, but after reading too many negative responses; I feel it would be dishonest to remain silent.
I attended Lubavitch House School all my life, starting in the nursery and leaving after Sixth Form with A and A* in my GCSE and with 3 AS Levels.
I went to a great seminary, and there are girls with problems from EVERY Lubavitch school. I feel very offended when people put down LSGS.
I also personally know the two students who received one of the top 10 marks of almost 22,000 students from the whole country!
Please think before you bad mouth the school – it does give you any benefit, and can result in being very harmful.
Sorah-le Hershkop (nee Freundlich)
Let me begin by saying that getting A’s in a school is meaningless if the standards are set so low that any monkey, and yes, I refer to most of the teachers, would get it.
Part of Elul is not only forgiveness, but judgment. Ignoring the school’s deficiencies, while definitely in the tradition of the school, does not allow it to improve. When we turn a blind eye to what happened, and continues to happen, we are culpable for the problem, even if we are not the cause of it. I am not bitter by my experiences in that school, but I won’t stand by and allow it to be eulogized, unless of course, it has died and nobody told me. In which case, I extend my condolences.
I would like to quickly address what a previous poster, funnily enough a “graduate” of this school, stated. Blowing one’s mind out, while preferable to actually showing up to this school, is probably not the best option. Remember, “suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem”. I would urge you to find a good psychiatrist quickly, before Elul ends.
This so called school was a complete atrocity. Nobody held us accountable. When we struggled, rather than teach us and push us to better ourselves, we were given the easy way out and told that we would not be graded on material that we were having difficulty with. I personally know at least 3 girls who received a carte blanche from Mrs. *** *** to skip Rashi questions on exams because they were having difficulty with it. Instead of tutoring these girls, or giving them an education, they were given a pat on the back and told “it’s ok, it’s not important”.
We were children, we did not understand that we needed to strive to be the best we could. When a child fails in school it is not the fault of the child, but the education system she is in and the teachers who perpetuate a failing system rather than modifying it for the betterment of the child. You cannot expect a 12 year old to think, “I should really push myself to learn this” if you don’t set that example. 12 year olds aren’t concerned about their future; their teachers SHOULD be!
I was an A student in this school. Yet even with this dubious honor, I had so much difficulty being accepted into the Seminary of my choice that my father had to personally go to the sem and convince the Hanhola there to allow me in on a trial period. I quite often tell people, despite my school, I received an education. It was thanks to my parents that I came out literate in Rashi, Hebrew and other subjects. When parents send a child to school, while they still have a responsibility to that child, the onus of the bulk of the education is on the school itself. That child will spend a majority of the day in the school. Wasting that time is a crime. Not challenging the child, not educating the child, and not expecting the child to be any better than she is, is actively doing that child harm. Some would refer to this as child abuse.
Children often rise to the expectations put on them by their teachers. As a former teacher, who has more than 5 years of experience, I have seen this over and over again. If you don’t expect a child to succeed, you will watch that child fail.
Top students in science? What about Torah?
Honest realist
As an ex-student, I really had a good laugh reading this article and the comments that followed.
LUBAVITCH OF LONDON HAS A WAY!!! TO GO IN EVERY AREA!!! The saddest part is the ratio of teenagers from this same community who are completely off the Derech. Being raised in a Communist Regime, under authoritarian rule, with absolutely no-one to talk to, there isn’t much hope for a better tommorow.
We can continue pushing our problems under the rug in the hope that they’ll somehow dissapear, or we can say it hasn’t worked until now, what can we do to make things better? (Willats – run-ons?!) Bluffing about how rosy life is certainly won’t help!
An Honest student!!
The fact that some, or rather few girls do so well on their exams is entirely their own merits. It is either because they are very smart or they push themselves, trust me it is nothing to do with the staff or curriculum. Secondly this is the focus in the school, unfortunately its not the Hebrew and chassidus (which it should be) and any truthful ex student from Lubavitch London will tell you that they were not en par with other Lubavitch schools such as BR crown heights.
The following sentence is complete rubbish: ‘It also noted the school’s nurturing and caring environment: ‘“Pupils feel safe and trust the staff, who care for them well,” the report concluded.”
You know how many students trust was breeched? They trusted a member of staff and told them something not positive they were involved in and needed help getting out and what did the staff do? Run and tell higher staff about it, and then they would get into trouble.
Perhaps things have changed since i left but this was the sitch not too long ago… However, well done to those girls who did do well.
‘Any problems through the years have been addressed immediately.’ I can’t believe I am even reading this sentence, there are still the same problems now that there were 20 years ago, so don’t tell me that problems were addressed right away.
ATTENTION PROUD LONDONER: I am sorry to tell you but i feel bad for you, this is so past the stage of brushing things under the carpet. It time you realized that problems in life have to be dealt with or they just get increasingly worse, besides how pathetic could you be to think that people are so ignorant about Lubavitch of London? More then a handful of times, after stating that i am from London i have received the comment "what is with that place/ school?" Its time we stopped denying the facts and faced reality and start trying to CHANGE!
I am sorry this sounded so negative, im not usually a negative person but i hate when things are not truthful. Maybe the people who need to see this will and they’ll take from it. Only then will this all be worth it.
Have a happy, sweet, productive New Year!
The last few comments prod me to write what the the head of the Seminary said when I arrived there – "Why don’t the girls coming from London know anything?".
This is not about the girls who were misbehaving with boys or the like but rather those that got lost somewhere down the system through no fault of their own. And no, it is not always the Parents (I come from a very good home), sometimes it IS the school and in this case that is what it is.
It is true that it is the month of Elul and in that spirit I would ask that all those involved in ruining previous students education ask forgiveness for allowing us to go out into the world with no knowledge whatsoever.
Those who have not been through the system cannot possibly understand the pain and humiliation of going out into the world where everyone thinks that as a Frum girl from a Frum home, having been to a Frum school should know at least a minimum – well, I am not alone in my experiences of having to sidestep or mumble and murmmer my way through something I obviously should know.
And no, it is not things we should know from home but rather from having been lucky enough to go to a Frum school and supposedly have the education.
I was one of the good girls and know plenty others in the same predicament so do not dare to label us with the same contempt you give to those who were not behaving as they should – you too, should remember that it is the month of Elul.
I could go on……and on……..but I will keep in mind that it is the month of Elul as was kindly pointed out and not point fingers (which I am itching to do).
Ex - Pupil
Note that it says: “pupils’ spiritual, moral, social and cultural development is outstanding.”
So for all those criticizing the studies; not everything is about the marks.
I went through the school also, and one thing they definitely do have right, is teaching us how to be upstanding, moral and ethical human beings – which I’m sure everyone will agree, comes before, and scores higher then anything else.
Besides, the school has changed, they’re trying to do better, and in the past few years they really have.
Whilst you were there, maybe it was you that was the problem and not the school – Think about it. Before you get all caught up on the ‘fact’ that the school is a ‘bad school’, think about how you were as a pupil. Look around and you’ll see, or think back and you’ll remember, that all the pupils who wanted to do well, did so, with encouragement & back-up, especially in the more recent years.
Oh, and that whole Sem issue, it doesn’t exist anymore. An honestly good girl will be accepted to the Sem of her choice, as much as any other Lubavitch girl. The Sem’s are not just looking for girls who can say Sichas and Maamorim of the top of their heads, they’re looking for girls, who are interested in learning, and open to change – which the girls from this school are, just the same as any other girls, if not even more. No one is saying that it’s perfect, but then which school is???
Believe me; whilst I was still in the system, I never thought I’d be saying this, but unfortunately sometimes appreciation, only comes with time.
One more thing, I’m sure those of you who wrote negatively, didn’t really mean it. However, in case there was someone who Chas VeSholom did mean it; if you think what you have to say is constructive criticism, then write it and we can all learn from it – but just to bad mouth something for no good reason, and without having your facts straight, is just pure Loshon Hora, and not very good Chinuch for the children -who by the way do read this, and who base their actions on the saying: ‘monkey see; monkey do.’
How about sharing the girls success with the boys school of london and stop neglecting them once and for all, they also need an education!!! why do they have to suffer for over 35 years????
To quote the Head Shlucha,
"In Lubavitch, we don’t have problems!" People (adults and children) need a safe person to talk to. They need advise and help whether its – boy/girl trouble, a sholom Bayis issue, etc. Other Frum communities manage to get Government funding for councelling, etc. We can, too. A huge part of the problem is the lack of discretion, privacy, and respect. People are also shunned for expressing a need for help and so, keep silent, burying their troubles. How can we ever hope to raise emotionally healthy, productive families in such stress and secrecy? How will our children cope – and grow – when they’re being taught by example such unhealthy traits?
Let us build a better tomorrow one solution at a time!
Wishing all a Kesiva V’Chasima Tova, and a Gut Gebentcht Yar!
To "A parent who knows the truth": What a bitter person you must be. You cannot even allow for a moment of nachas, the moment there’s some good news you barge in with "how about"s (whether true or not – irrelevant). Anyhow, I am sure that you, as a deeply caring (and truth-knowing) parent, typed your comment here – a public forum which is not a school forum – by accident and you really meant to send it to a member of the school committee so that it could have an effect, or…(dare I think it) are you just a vindictive person who does not care a jot?
student of the skl now
whys everything always bad about the school? if you have something not nice to say DONT SAY IT if you have something hood to say please do post it
I went through it too
Wow, it’s amazing to see how much some of you are carrying inside.
I have a question:
Why is it that as soon as someone/something gets praised, there are always those who feel the need to jump on that praise and counter it? –
Why can’t praise be given where it’s due?
Even if you yourself don’t feel that the praise is due, fine, you’re entitled to your own opinion. Just keep in mind, that to think that your opinion is definately, without a shadow of doubt, the right one, is a very destructive way of thinking. The truth doesn’t need opinions to prove it, in the end the truth will be recognized as the truth no matter what, because the truth is absolute.
Could it be that somewhere inside, you lack the confidence to admit, that something may be differing from the permenant state that you mentally placed it in?
Don’t you think that everyone knows of the different problems that exist? They’re pretty evident, no one’s denying them, it’s been how many years already??? No one is pretending that there aren’t any problems, but don’t you feel any sort of pride, when an outsider (a secular one at that), comes in and is impressed by the students ‘spiritual, moral, social and cultural development?’ I know I do.
Rabbi Lew is a true Chassid of the Rebbe, anyone that comes in contact with him sees that straight away, and as a mechanech, he is definately ‘a living example’ for all his students. As a community, and as a school we are lucky to have someone who actually practices what he preaches, who actually acts as a Lubavitcher Chassid should act, and who really and sincerely believes in each and every one of his pupils.
So, if you’d only let yourself, you’d see that sometimes the box we make for ourselves, restricts us, instead of protecting us.
Step back, step out of the box just for a minute, together with all the judgments that you have prepared, and see if you can let yourself see good in a place that until now you thought impossible. If you can, then you’ve just proved yourself a bigger person, then you’ve ever been up until now. It’s your call, you play the cards.
To s. Hershkop, sorry you had a hard time getting into the sem of your choice, but we had a harder time following in your footsteps. It was quite hard to convince the staff that english girls could be normal but we did it in the end!
I am suggesting that anyone who has not had to do with the senior school in the last 8 years, please try not to comment. It really sounds like some of you need therapy and that’s fine but maybe somewhere else. And besides you don’t really have any idea what is going on at the moment so it wold be wise to keep you statements to your self.
To Optimist, perhaps you can explain what your comments had to do with anything?
a Teacher
As a teacher in the school, i have to give a kol Hakavod to the wonderful staff and the incredible students. Rabbi Lew thinks about the pupils as if they are his children and mrs Freeman and mrs junik work night and day to ensure that each girl is well-adjusted, productive and happy.
The Kodesh standard of the school has improved one-hundred fold since i was in school and the secular department has maintained its high level too.
As an individual teacher i do my part to make the girls feel that i am there for them if needed and that i truly care about them – which i genuinly do.
Lets all enjoy the recognition from the largest examining body without everybody digging up old grudges.
Ex Londoner
Go London
It’s so good to hear such good reports from London. May you go from strength to strength.
Its a shame that some people have a hard time hearing positive things about other people or Moisdos that they don’t like. From the way some of things are written by some people it is not surprising that they write such ridiculous things about Lubavitch of London and such personally directed negative comments.
I grew up in London and went to Lubavitch schools, of course there was room for improvement. But at the same time I am forever indebted to so many of the staff, teachers and Rebbeim who invested so much of themselves and their lives into making sure that we grow up as Yirie Shamyaim and as Chassidim and not like people who bash other people on CHinfo.
As we approach Elul I think some people should honestly ask themselves if maybe their own mistakes and attitude might just be part of their lack of success.
Wishing everyone and especially all of Lubavitch UK lots of Hatzlacha
P.S It is English people with a chip on their shoulders who create problems and feel some kind of inferiority complex.
Just look around at how many successful Balie Batim and Shluchim Lubavitch UK has produced who have no need to feel inferior.
Wishing Rabbi Sudak and all the great Mechanchim and Mechanchos continued Hatzlacha
As another ex pupil of this school, I can say I have a very bitter taste in my mouth about my school years. The school was/is very negative in many areas. But, as a lesson to you all, you cant always blame your past for who you are today. I had to work hard on myself to look at things in a positive way (which has taken years, and is a constant battle) but I am determined that my children will not go through what I went through, and maybe I have to thank the school for this challenge so that I can appreciate every positive good day that I have!!! People whats done is done, and we CAN NOT change that, lets move forward together in a positive way! Its to no ones benefit to be depressed about our bad days in school!!!!!
An honest student again
Well talking about the month of Elul i think that ‘ANON’ that was disgusting of you to write and besides its not true what you write…ok neways i am permitted to write here because i have been there much much more recently then 7 years ago… ok i dont think people need therapy or go around all day thinking about what a screwed up school they went to, however when you come on to and see all that absolout rubbish which i previously mentioned (go to previous message by honest student) thats when people start to get real upset. People like truth, no body like dishonesty and fakers ESPECIALLY when all of us commenting here have all experienced this 1st hand… and btw coming to think about it i think everyone who went through this school should be able to comment even if it was more then 7 years ago…
Maybe there are success stories from London but i dont think ANYONE would have the audacity to sit here and lie and give credit to those who do not deserve it. Its time for people to wake up and smell the cofee…
This whole conversation is so interesting, its funny how ‘GP’ states that people should get therapy for all this, i would agree but what a coincedence that most the people here are all feeling the same way… would you still be so egotystical and condesending to say that ALL these people need therapy?? Why you so afraid to admit the truth about your school Hanhola?? Unless ofcourse you are involved in the school and feel guilty?? I hope not… i actually doubt it probaly just dont wanna deal with it…
neways lets realise the truth and make resoloutions for the new year to help out the school and or community in some way even if its small and were very far away… have a happy sweet new year!!!
Way to go LSGS – As a former student (most of the way thru) I feel indebted to all of the teachers, hanhola, class-mates, and indeed to the entire establishment for the love and dedication shown throughout the years.
I came to the school with various learning chanllenges and the patience and skills I were taught helped me to truly thrive.
I was accepted to the top seminary at the time and actually received mostly A’s (aside from the 2 B’s in special ed and one other.)
Now that I have my own kids in schools here in the USA, I can appreciate even greater what my kids are NOT getting here!
So once again – way to go London!
I go to LSGS and it’s definitely the best!
Every student is important and we are like one big, happy family!
I’m so proud to be a student of Lubavitch!
Shlucha from LSGS
Hello– can’t get the anger here – it’s probably like one or 2 ex-students writing all the negative comments – we know exactly who they would be – like playing the blame game all thru school – got in trouble? not my fault – no – never – always school’s fault. got good grades – well what dya expect – im brilliant; that was my parents – not the school – no way!
one word for u: THERAPY and fast! ull never get thru life this way….can’t pin all ur problems on England 4ever – gotta grow up sometime.
As for me, I had my days in school – who doesn’t but I can honestly look back on a great education, great friendships, and a great place to work too!
I hope this year finds true happiness and maturity for you!
I went to Lubavitch Senior School uite a few years ago! I boarded with a family as I was one of the girls from abroad. It was a really great experience and I am so happy to read this report!
Top of the class
Some shlucha u must be ‘shlucha from lsgs’ so narrow minded as too try pretend to urself and all others that all these comments are from one person.. like seriously… it WAS a messed up school maybe now it has changed a bit but u cant deny the past..I agree with ‘honest student!’
But lets not dwell on the past… lets move forward. They say in life u learn more what not to do then what we should do. Learn from the experience and move forward to a posetive beginning.Good luck!!
Sorah-le Hershkop (nee Freundlich)
Hello, and welcome back to the insanity. I see I need another post to continue discussing this new Axis of Evil (the school, the Hanhola, and the “education”).
I would think, if you tout yourself as a teacher (unless of course you are teaching gym) that you would take a moment to spell-check your posting on this wall. Furthermore, take another moment and fix the many grammatical errors in your post. I must speak for the silent English language and the gang-rape it is experiencing on this page. The British created the language, don’t be the ones to destroy it.
Now, I should give you some credit, if you did graduate from this school, then what you post here is the best you can do. All the moments in the world won’t help that. However, I’d hate to see what your students produce with you as an example. Know how to spell and capitalize words, before you throw your education at me.
I’d like to quickly address Anon’s comments. First of all, have the guts to write your name, I did. You say that you "did it in the end". As in most things that come from the end, you are full of it. The fact is, many of the issues I had in Seminary were a direct result of my lack of education. I had to work twice as hard as others to meet half of my teachers’ expectations. You say that you have convinced the Sem people that Londoners are normal, how many people from our alma mater are currently in Sem in Tzfas? Good job there! As you may come to realize, when you step into the real world and out of your mind (oh wait, you already are out of it) "normal" is all relative. I’m happy that I have surpassed the "normal" that was expected of me coming from that atrocity of a school. May you be similarly blessed. You see? You insult me, I bless you. (Permit me to offer another small piece of advice. It would help to be grammatically correct when praising the education you received.)
GP: I think, even if I have not been in the system for a while, I should be allowed to correct the inaccuracies people are writing about it. People are praising individuals who have committed atrocities and continue to do so, blindly believing in their own hype, perpetrated by those who feel that any criticism is “un-Jewish”, even if it fully deserved. Take an example from the Pope (who is not Jewish). He is still apologizing for the atrocities committed in the Holocaust. Should we be any less? They murdered our minds, they should apologize for it. Have we learned nothing from History? (Oh yes, we bunked it.) If we don’t remember the past we are doomed to repeat it. (Once again, I find myself asking people to spell words correctly. Has anyone ever heard of a little program called Microsoft Word? Oh wait, we bunked that class too.)
Teacher: Mrs. Freeman, at least, brought a sense of humor into the classroom and is, I believe, one of the few principals that actually has a degree. You write that the Kodesh standard has improved a hundred-fold. Even with the lackluster education in mathematics that I received, I know how much a hundred times zero is. Once again, the spelling and grammar argue my point about the Secular Studies department.
Sorah-le Hershkop (nee Freundlich)
Ex Londoner: Why do you assume that if I am unhappy with the school’s “education” that I lack success? I’m unhappy with what went on in that school, and what continues to happen. My successes in life were in no way due to what that school did to me in my formative years. Not everyone who leaves that school can be so lucky, I fight for them. Another point, I never honestly ask myself anything, I find lying to be so much more helpful, don’t you? Although it does get confusing when I lie asking myself and then answer honestly. You do make another point in your post. What you mistake as a chip on my shoulder is actually indignation. Not only does this school get away with premeditated intellectual homicide, but now they are being praised. The successes of former students are given as proof of the school’s virtue yet the failures are blamed on the children. As a separate note, I’m confused as to how a girl’s school (which was what this article and furor were about) is producing so “many successful Balie Batim and Shluchim”? Are we having many transgender operations on graduation day? Another question, where are the successful lawyers, doctors, actuaries, nurses, accountants, veterinarians, gardeners and other non-Shlichus jobs that former students are employed in? Can YOU honestly tell me that every student coming out of that building had the same aspirations and goals, to be a Shlucha? I didn’t. Why weren’t our needs addressed?
In the spirit of Elul, and actually I believe this spirit should be felt year-round, not just now and during the Yuletide season, I will give credit where credit is due. There were teachers, especially the younger ones, who brought life into the classroom. They did this even without an education or degree, but with love. They came out of this system, realized that change had to start from within, and sacrificed themselves to help the next generation. What they taught me I carry for the rest of my life; it wasn’t math, it wasn’t Chassidus (trust me, those were never taught) it was to care about my students and to throw myself into the most daunting tasks. To those few, I say thank you.
p.s.- If you think the anger on this board is "like" 1 or 2 ex-students, you definitely had the same math teachers as us. Quick, how much is 1 and 1? 11! Yes you passed too!
Glad I got out when I did
sorry shlucha you can write this is 2/3 people ,this is a good 90% feeling of the ex stamford hill comunity who live anywhere in the world but in stamford hill , a community dying out ,a community that was once thriving but now have a few kids in each class ,due to the overall attitude of the anhole in london ,you can sit around, trying to ignore the problem ,but it obviously exists ,these people will leave the school and will survive like the rest of us did ,and will start learning a thing or two once they leave the country and see what is availeble elsewhere around the world ,
Gitty Cousin
I would like to start off by saying two words MAZAL TOV to the pupils of Lubavitch Girls School the teachers the principle and everyone involved.
when I first read this article erev Shabbos I was so PROUD, HAPPY & EXCITED to see MY school achieving top marks and even more important the pupils good middos their excellent character traits was recognized by the London board of education.
When asked what senior school I went to I answer proudly Lubavitch Senior Girls School of London England. the great times we had together the friendships still strong the memories we share when we meet always puts a smile on my face the Shabatons school trips Lag B’omer parades to name a few.
My favorite part of the School was Friday morning when our head master Rabbi Lew would lead a assembly share some word on the Pharsha then girl from a chosen class would give a dvar Torah and then Rabbi Lew would tell us a personal story with the Rebbe or how his schlucos is a part of his life most of these stories were hot off the press, just happened either he had just arrived from NY on the flight the man sitting next to him was Jewish = Teffilin or on a train and stand to daven and meets a conservative Jew I still See Rabbi Lew acting out the stories.
I was disappointed when I visited the senior school this summer and noticed the world map with strings attached to pictures of all graduates on schlucos but was happy to notice instead hanging copies of new Jewish novels available for the girls to borrow form the library.
I will forever have fond memories of Senior school I am happy that I was raised in the Lubavitch of London system from when I was 2-17.
Gitty Cousin
Optimist is back!
Hi HK, I’m back! I kinda figured it would be a little more constructive to suggest what we can fix and how…
I, too, can absolutely knock the school, and in fact the community at large. Trust me I did my time there! Interesting to note is the miniscule percentage of Londoners returning to raise their children in this wonderful haven of yours. This utopian place where problems either don’t exist or are magically dealt with the split second they’re brought to the surface.
And to the individual who repeatedly suggests therapy (the stuff that doesn’t exist in London): The people writing these comments went thru the very same system u are now trying to defend. They are in fact direct productions thereof. what does that say for LSGS?
Happy Healthy!
As a former student of LSGS all i can say is that the Hanhala are working extremely hard on the school, and the minute it is praised everyone pounces. whats the big deal? every Lubavitch school has issues!
I had quite the tough time in the Junior School- Senior school was amazing! It was like a new start!
Keep it up!
not from england
Nony Wrote: every Lubavitch school has issues- try EVERY SCHOOL has issues – I have kids in THREE different, non-Lubavitch schools – one of them is considered one of the top Jewish schools in the country (USA) and believe me- I wish it weren’t so, but EVERY one of these schools has major issues – yet I try and focus on the positive aspects of the schools and realize that a foundation of yiras shamayim and midos ultimately stems from home.
I won’t say I never blame the schools, but on the whole I see the bigger picture
Chani S
WOW!!! What a lot of comments!
I must say, I do not usually write comments as such but I am getting tired of this site being sued as a bashing site for everything we hold dear. First it was Beis Rivkah – MY SCHOOL, now another Lubavitch School and it seems like this forum has become a circus for all the miserable people in Lubavitch. Why can’t we focus on the good in life- this article was about growth, so why are the comments so negative – shut up and try and make things better instead of griping!
and by the way – i had 3 three english girls in my class (and 4 in the class above and several more in the class below) and from each class they were leaders, most of them were in the top tier of the class in finals and definitely very talented.
(I still think B"R rocks! but let’s not to try on negativity whether it be about shomrim, 770, our schools or whateveer). A zisen yar!
Wow, a nerve has definitely been exposed and touched! What is everyone getting all excited and defensive about. As I stated in my earlier remark, I went to B.L.London many years ago and yes, the education was non existant. I still say that and stand by that. However, at the same time I am willing to believe that things have improved and the school is doing well. I am actually thrilled to hear that. But that doesn’t give right to people on this site to be rude and obnoxious to the truthful comments of people who went through the system years ago and feel about it the way they do. How immature to write that we all need therapy, you need to grow up. The comments that truthfully say that things were not great but are now so much better have a much bigger impact.
We do not all need therapy, we are not carrying around chips and what have you’s, it was just an opportunity, right or wrong, to vent.
Once again, thrilled things are better than 25 years ago.
P.S. Yes, Rabbi Lew was very good to me in school and for that I am gratefull.
grad of lubav
I was just looking through the Shluchim Book – and thinking same thing: so many shluchim world over from london!
This report is so positive – keep up the tremendous work!
Shaindel Schapiro
Kol Hakovod to the school for a great report!
To all the naysayers out there: your comments would hold more weight if you signed your name (s) instead of hiding behind initials and titles.
On a positive note: You most certainly deserve an A for expressive language! (whether that credit be due your parents, your teachers or YOURSELVES for that matter, is irrelevant.)
And no, I did not return to London to give my own children the same fantastic education that I myself received, because I, along with many class-mates and fellow students, are living up to the ideals instilled in us from a very young age: to go out there in the world and share the light of Chassidus. Hence, I am on shlichus and face even greater challenges in chinuch.
Wishing everyone a very happy, healthy and sweet new year – and may the education of your children be a perfect one!
How about sharing the girls success with the boys school of london and stop neglecting them once and for all, they also need an education!!! why do they have to suffer for over 35 years????
IF YOU ONLY KNEW THE TRUTH the truth is that the fees commity that i don’t allways agree with, are doing a wounderfull job they are two months behind with the wages but with all jokes aside that is much better then the HANHOLAH did, For now the potential for the boys school is good but there is only one option to take the building away from the HANHOLAH for the commity to be able to do a proper job for the future of our children and the rebbe’s name (wich is the responsabilety of the HANHOLA) and to let the HANHOLA fight there fight for MONEY AND POWER without us and our children.(PERSONALY IF THEY DO NOT SORT IT AND GET ON WITH THE JOB IN HAND I AM VERY TEMPTEAD TO PUT A HALF PAGE ADVERT IN THE JC FOR DONERS TO STOP GIVING THEM THE DONATION’S AND SEND IT DIRECT TO THE DEPARTMENT THEY WANT IT FOR) they are fighting like kids PLEASE STOP IT NOW IT IS AFFECTING ALL OF US IN LONDON
get some therapy, and you say that as a shlucha in the rebbe’s name, I think that says somthing about your education.
KH i did take the option you suggest and made an appointment with rabbi’s, LEW sent me to sudak who sent me to a.sufrin and you know what a waste of time. so now what ?
GP wrote:
I am suggesting that anyone who has not had to do with the senior school in the last 8 years, please try not to comment. It really sounds like some of you need therapy and that’s fine but maybe somewhere else. And besides you don’t really have any idea what is going on at the moment so it wold be wise to keep you statements to your self.
WELL I HAVE BEEN DEALING WITH THE SCHOOL FOR THE LAST 9 YEARS WITH MY OWN CHILDREN AND PRIOR TO THAT WITH MY SIBLINGS, so i can talk and tell all those people who sugest THERAPY that you are deffinatly not chassidim of my REBBE (thats the responce you get when you try and approch the HANHOLA with a complaint) MAY G’D BLESS US ALL.
An understanding ex-pupil
Wow, it’s amazing to see how much some of you are carrying inside, and apparently therapy is not the answer you’re looking for, so what is???
What would make you feel better – when you hear that the school is doing worse then ever before? Or when you hear that the school is actually doing well, that something positive happened?
It seems that you’re so stuck in the mud, that even something good can’t pull you out. If that can’t pull you out, what will?!?!
I have a question:
Why is it that as soon as someone/something gets praised, there are always those who feel the need to jump on that praise and counter it? –
Why can’t praise be given where it’s due?
Even if you yourself don’t feel that the praise is due, fine, you’re entitled to your own opinion. Just keep in mind, that to think that your opinion is definately, without a shadow of doubt, the right one, is a very destructive way of thinking. The truth doesn’t need opinions to prove it, in the end the truth will be recognized as the truth no matter what, because the truth is absolute.
Could it be that somewhere inside, you lack the confidence to admit, that something may be differing from the permenant state that you mentally placed it in?
Don’t you think that everyone knows of the different problems already? They’re pretty evident, no one’s denying them, it’s been how many years already??? No one is pretending that there aren’t any problems, but don’t you feel any sort of pride, any sort of achievement. when an outsider (a secular one at that), comes in and is impressed by the students ‘social, moral and ethical standards?’ I know I do.
Rabbi Lew is a true Chassid of the Rebbe, anyone that comes in contact with him sees that straight away, and as a mechanech, he is definately ‘a living example’ for all his students. As a community, and as a school we are lucky to have someone who actually practices what he preaches, who actually acts as a Lubavitcher Chassid should act, and who really and sincerely believes in each and every one of his pupils.
It can happen, that somehow we get so stuck in the mud, that we forget it’s mud, we forget that that’s not where were suppposed to be, and our only will is to go deeper. Sometimes it needs an outsider to forcibly pull us out, before we get sucked up into it. So, if you’d only let yourself, you’d see that sometimes the box we make for ourselves, restricts us, instead of protecting us.
Step back, step out of the box just for a minute, together with all the judgments that you have prepared, and see if you can let yourself see good in a place that until now you thought impossible. If you can, then you’ve just proved yourself a bigger person, then you’ve ever been up until now. It’s your call, you play the cards.
Leah D
Besides for finding place to vent – I was wondering what, if anything constructive will come from these postings.
I highly doubt that anyone in charge is even reading your posts, so no gratification or resolve of issues (whether real or imaginary).
Perhaps a better idea would be to write down your thoughts and send them to the powers that be – and if you think they won’t listen – then you certainly gained nothing by writing it here!
Instead, get off your seats and go do something positive for another…..and don’t keep the negativity that you say you learned in England –
Sorry to burst your bubbles!
J. A.
Interesting how the names of the guilty have been blacked out but those who are riding under false merit are allowed to stay.
How many of you with good memories are the offspring of the Hanhalah? Yes, I thought so, well in that case I too would have good memories.
Happy Mum
as a mother of a daughter in school i would like to say that they have great teachers -kodesh and chol and those nasty comments are probably from those people who were the rebels in school
Ok firstly i dont mean this rudely in any way but if your not from London or did not go through the system, you fortunately cant possibly understand this situation.
Secondly Shaindel shapiro… im not sure if you’v read all the comments above but i have and i noticed something remarkebly inrteresting. s. freundlich wrote her name and really expressed how she was feeling and a few comments later somebody insulted her disgustingly.. THINK.. that maybe why someone does not want to put their name. And also halevai all the married couples who are originally from London didnt live there because they were all on shlichus.. like seriously wake up and smell the cofee people dont move back there because of the messed up place that it is. I would NEVER put my children through that, especially after going there myself. If you were to say that it was like that back in the day however now it is different then maybe people would be more open to accepting what your saying however you cant deny the past which we all personally experienced!!!!
I dont mean to offend any of you on this site, I just am trying to understand what some of you are thinking….
Shlucha from LSGS
I still hold by my stance that theeapy is in order and here’s the reason: you have left the school, the country and have made a new life for yourself elsewhere.
But the anger within you is apparent when you repsond to a beautiful article with attacks on the school.
What is your point is responding in this way?
Have you found out if the problems that you say exist have still not been dealt with?
Do you think those in charge are reading a Crown Heights forum?
Are you anticipating change?
Or is this just an oulet for you to vent?
It seems like it is the latter and therefore this would fall directly under the issur of loshon hora, motzoei shem ra and therfore I advise you to go through these issues and your anger with a professional so that you can get on with life positively. I am not telling you to IGNORE issues that are still relevant to you.
To say this is not advice coming from a chassid of the Rebbe is ludicrous- bashing the Rebbe’s school is most certainly not advice advocated by the Rebbe – it would be prudent to learn the Rebbe’s teachings and letters.
I went through it too wrote:
Wow, it’s amazing to see how much some of you are carrying inside.
I have a question:
Why is it that as soon as someone/something gets praised, there are always those who feel the need to jump on that praise and counter it? –
Why can’t praise be given where it’s due?
Even if you yourself don’t feel that the praise is due, fine, you’re entitled to your own opinion. Just keep in mind, that to think that your opinion is definately, without a shadow of doubt, the right one, is a very destructive way of thinking. The truth doesn’t need opinions to prove it, in the end the truth will be recognized as the truth no matter what, because the truth is absolute.
Could it be that somewhere inside, you lack the confidence to admit, that something may be differing from the permenant state that you mentally placed it in?
Don’t you think that everyone knows of the different problems that exist? They’re pretty evident, no one’s denying them, it’s been how many years already??? No one is pretending that there aren’t any problems, but don’t you feel any sort of pride, when an outsider (a secular one at that), comes in and is impressed by the students ‘spiritual, moral, social and cultural development?’ I know I do.
Rabbi Lew is a true Chassid of the Rebbe, anyone that comes in contact with him sees that straight away, and as a mechanech, he is definately ‘a living example’ for all his students. As a community, and as a school we are lucky to have someone who actually practices what he preaches, who actually acts as a Lubavitcher Chassid should act, and who really and sincerely believes in each and every one of his pupils.
So, if you’d only let yourself, you’d see that sometimes the box we make for ourselves, restricts us, instead of protecting us.
Step back, step out of the box just for a minute, together with all the judgments that you have prepared, and see if you can let yourself see good in a place that until now you thought impossible. If you can, then you’ve just proved yourself a bigger person, then you’ve ever been up until now. It’s your call, you play the cards.
Upset reader
"A Chossid" How glad I am that I’m not a chossid of your Rebbe, ashreinu mah tov chelkeinu. What a pathetic Rebbe you have – merely a figment of your imagination. What YOU consider good, is your "rebbe"’s shitah, what YOU consider bad is not your "rebbe"’s shitah, you seem to have no moral arbiter outside of your own narrow mind. Your tone and message are not those of a Lubavitcher chossid and your declaring that someone who recommends therapy to others who sorely need it (not in a bad way, but if, as they claim, they were so badly traumatized then surely therapy is the way forward) is not a chossid is disingenuous at best.
one mroe question...
One more question: How are you so sure that there are more than 2 people posting negatively. Somehow the pattern of postings and the style of writing seem awfully similar.
S. Hershkop – There are currently four girls in Tzefas at the moment.
As for grammer – I talk for myself only – but my anger to you was so great I just posted automatically without bothering to look over grammer. I would think that even the most bitter dejected person addmits that Mrs Willat’s classes were second to none. so I wouldn’t go dissing her lessons. and as for the math – sorry you didn’t pay attention in lesson that was your loss – most girls get a’s and b’s these days.
Shalom al Yisrael
While it is apparent that people are carrying hurt and resentment inside them about their years in school, it is equally obvious that the school has made tremendous strides in all areas and is constantly improving. That is what is important.
What started as something so positive has turned into an arena of hurtful comments and insults, even becoming personal. I am sure this is not what we want at this time of year.
Let us all enjoy the successes and may we all be blessed with a year full of good b’gashmius and b’ruchnius.
Ksiva vchasima tova!
Concerned onlooker
I live in London – do not teach in any school but would ask the following question — how does a girl, who claims that she was effectively failed by the school education system, claiming to have a poor level of knowledge compared to the other students in sem, end up in Tzfas, a high flying sem to my knowledge? No school would put a student in that situation – it’s bad for the school’s reputation, if nothing else!
A further question — how comes other girls from London who went to Tzfas appear to have done well (here I am talking not years later but in the immediate period following the Sorah’s time at Tzfas) manage so well?
I suspect, but of course do not have all the facts to hand, that Sorah ended up in a Sem not at all suitable to her level of knowledge – perhaps with the help of people outside of the school. The damage done with a student in the wrong "knowledge" environment can be very serious – whilst some may, with extremely hard work, succeed, others are more likely to drop out to varying degrees.
I work in management and have a training in counselling – from my experience, successful people rarely own up to their success and usually explain why they failed to do even better – unsuccessful people, on the other hand, will usually blame others or their circumstances – never themselves.
Unfortunately, the message I am getting, is of someone who has failed, blaming their schools (dare I say holds a grudge and still wants to get their own back) – perhaps this is good time of year to put this right – Sorah, think positively and good of others and see your own plus points – unfortunately, I think you are still dwelling on your past failures.
So, to end off, well done to the school for doing so well – may you go from strength to strength.
K’siva v’Chasima Toiva and a Gut Gebentsched Yor.
Sruly Russell
blah blah blah, you got the do gooders, the ‘constructivists’ the self righteous, repeating the same words we hear over and over again, "if you got nothing nice to say then don’t say it at all" ohhhhhhhhh shush!!!
while it has to be said that it is a great achievement on the schools behalf, however behind this thin medal lies 40 years of compromised education, and abuse, kind of like an elephant (passed) hiding behind a mouse (present achievement) just does not work, as per the sentiments of this thread..
present yr 8 student
all of you people cursing the school out, just know that your behaviour is plain DISGUSTING.i dont beleive you. i am about 10 yrs younger than all of u but i can say that youre behaviour is way under the level of maturity you shou;ld be displaying
even if you do have bad feelings to the school, just CLOSE YOUR MOUTHES and keep your DISGUSTING words to yourseves.
i am in school now and i enjoy every day of it
by the way there IS tutoring for girls who are able to grow in their learning or need some help, and I can tell you that HONESTLY, because I am 1 of those girls.
And if the school Has improved then it’s obviusly because you left. I can say now that all the girls in school who i know can say with their whole heart ( unlike most of you badmouthers) that it is a most educational school in all aspects.
all your comments make a bad name for the school, why dont you think before you speak??? as a lot of people said, if u have s/thing not nice to say DONT say it. This is a public blog and girls my age read this and you never know, you can be ruining girls self esteem and pride for lubavitch the way you write in such an unbefitting manner.
you all say that the school is bad, well i have to agree that the school has to be wrong for not expelling you. This also just shows how kind lubavitch is that they let girls such as yourselves join it. You are polluting the world with all your carbon footprints that you are leaving behind as you escape on your flights to all your dream lands far away from lubavitch. the words which you let out on this blog can rot in……
I know it’s wierd finding a 12 yr old girl writing like this but i actually feel for the school, and it’s close to rosh hashana, your sins are about to be weighed on a scale, arent you thinking of which side will be heavier?
it’s almost yom kippur and it’s NEVER too late to ask Hashem for forgiveness.
you think i’m a nerd but i give you some decent advice ( it takes a lot of courage but it looks like you have a TON of courage to write so blasphemely on such a public website)
APOLOGIZE to your teachers NOW
THERE ARE ONLY 2 days left but here is your chance.
I just want to conclude with my total forgiveness to all of you sinners but Hashem is really responsible for forgiving such inappropriate, disgusting behaviour.
hope you mature . I wonder what your husbands think of you.
wishing you a sensible, mature and repentful year.
kesivah vechasimah tova
Sorah-le Hershkop (nee Freundlich)
Hey MP,
A couple of quick questions:
Where did all the rest of the people in Tzefas go? And why did those 4 girls stay behind? You don’t actually expect me to believe that there are currently 4 girls in Tzefas at the moment?
Another question. I complained about what had happened to me at this "school" and you felt anger toward me? Why?
And I’m assuming, that since you didn’t have a chance to check your GRAMMAR, you didn’t have a chance to check your spelling as well? How long does it take to run a spell check on a 9 line post?
I’ll ADMIT nothing of the sort. She did give me great grades throughout my tenure in her part of that institution; I happened to write an essay for a younger girl who was having difficulty in that class, and she got a D. Same writer, same skill, explain that dichotomy? It seems grades were based more on the name on the top of that paper than anything else.
Ok, I will admit her classes were second to none, in fact, they may have been even closer to none than that.
Again I refer to my monkey comment about the A’s and B’s people are getting.
Just because you state something as fact doesn’t make it so. In FACT, if the school was so good why did I, and so many people on this board, seem to have a different experience? Speaking for yourself, how are YOU related to the Hanhola?
To those who think they can hide behind pseudonyms, nothing you do online is untraceable. I would have liked to see Anon’s face when she received a personal e-mail from me.
To those who call me bitter. I’m newly married and blissfully happy, as anyone who knows me can attest. If you are capable of being as bitter as you paint me in your honeymoon period, I pity your spouse. If you haven’t gotten married yet walking around with all that vitriol bottled up is doing you no good, it gives wrinkles, and those creams are frightfully expensive.
I have the guts to write my name, why, when attacking me, don’t you?
Number one those tho havent been through lubavtich in london, you cannot talk. I am in year 12, i think the school is the most amazing school ever, i know tonss of girls who are from london and dont go to a lubavtich school and tell me i wish i was in ure school!! Our school have tonss of fun but whilst learning a big amonunt of stuff. I love my school and very happy!
The past years the school has gotten much better and the girls have gained alot. if you wanna do well in school you will… 2 girls in the schoool did get the 10 top marks and we have done really well, as out school rocks..
and iyh we wil have another rocking yr!!
I suggest that we put a stop to this bickering! Nothing positive to be gained.
This article is way down in ‘news’ features; no-one of import is reading your comments.
Yes,Yes, we know you love to be center stage and all and yes you THINK that you finally have your adoring audience, alas you are wrong! Only nutjobs (like me) waste their time on Erev R"H to read and respond to you.
I suggest we move this discussion elsewhere and really get those boxing gloves out!
And if the school bashers want to continue, just IGNORE them til they burn themselves out from their tantrum!
An outsider
As an outsider (I do not live in Stamford HIll) I am shocked at the nasty comments directed towards S. Hershkop and other bloggers on this form. All those who are praising this school and yet are making snide, rude comments would do well to remember that you do, neither yourself, your parents, your school and lastly the Rebbe justice. If your education was so wonderful, where is your Midos and Ahavas Yisroel? Please do not forget that we are in the month of Elul this should be the last time that one would want to upset their fellow Jew.
M.G London
I suggest we move this discussion elsewhere,
very well said and then you go and ruin it by judgeing people, (and i quote)
And if the school bashers want to continue, just IGNORE them til they burn themselves out from their tantrum!
people see things in difrent ways, Bad, Good, Wrong, Right, but sometimes we just need to ride out the situation and learn from it how to make things better for the future with or without …
I found most interesting the comments from supposed "shluchos," "mechanchos," and members of the "Hanhola." There is always a nicer, more refined way of putting things. Remember that you are (supposed to be) an example to those around you in all that you do, say or write. Each negative,and especially nasty comment will only intice a torrent of retaliations. More is always expected of those in authority – be it maturity, menchlichkiet or chinuch.
I too, was a student at LSGs – alot more than 8 years ago. (My mother’s still waiting for at least ONE of her girls to receive a prize or an award for SOMEthing. – We did all graduate with "Hitztainut"). I could write a whole lot more "not nice" things than nice things. I choose not to, simply because there’s no gain. I’ve moved on to bigger and better things. Like the vast majority of graduates, I have no interest in returning to London to raise my family. And no, I am not on Shlichus.
Perhaps things are better today than they were back then. If so, Kol Hakavod, and may you continue to go from strength to strength.
Wishing all a Kesiva V’chasima Tova and much Hatzlacha in all your endevours. May we see the righteous Mashiach SPEEDILY IN OUR DAYS!!!
A Former Student of Sarale
I don’t know very much about this whole school situation, but from reading all the diferent comments, it seems that although there are others with negative things to say, sarale seems to have other issues behind what she is saying, and it comes across like anger and resentment.
i myself am in Tzfas this year and there are four english girls here with me, all of whom are doing quite well managing and dont need extra effort. i think that what sorale said, even if a fraction of it is true, is definately overexagerated and the school is made to sound like you could never believe a good word about it.
i know the first few years of teaching are a learning experience for the teacher as well, but the way you seem to discribe a teacher, is just not the real life teacher you were.
i’m not saying this to try to insult or hurt anyone, but to make other realize that people are not perfect—even teachers and staff -and people tend to judge others very quickly, but dont look at themselves.
may we all have a happy healthy, sweet new year with moshiach right now !
enough putting others down!
One last comment: Why is it that it’s absolutely commendable to be mekarev people born into non-frum homes/enviroments, and in the same breath, totally acceptable to be merachek our own???
We all have our challenges in life. No one individual has the right to play G-d and judge another – especially to refer to someone by NAME on a PUBLIC FORUM? As "Shlucha," you wrote: "this would fall directly under the issur of loshon hora, motzoei shem ra…" did your opinion (or the Halacha) change when you changed your name to "some questions"?
May you be blessed with a healing, happy new year!
It is Erev Rosh Hashana (with Yom Kippur around the corner),& I would like to suggest that all those that have been shaming girls (& their Parents) publicly on this forum, apologize.
If you embarrass someone publicly, then you must apologize publicly.
Please do not forget what we as Chassidim stand for & have been taught by the Rebbe. Personal attacks are not what this forum is for.
Wishing everyone a Happy and health year with all that you wish for for you and yours.
Sruly Russell
wa wa wi waaaa… i didnt read the whole thread, but now that i have what on earth is going on here.. this is complete and utter melt down.
the schools achievements should be celebrated in that of itself.. untouched, and untarnished congratulations to the pupils and they’re teachers..
but what is this about getting so personal, i am amazed, especially hiding behind an anonymous name, it is a cowardly act, and disqualifies anything you have to say..
On another note.
i question myself, ten years out of mechina, 6 years out of the system, 3 years out of Stamford hill, and 6 months out of London, and yet when i stumble across a thread like this it provokes anger in me.. Possibly to a lesser degree then before, but none the less enough to spend an evening writing this post..
my answer – i am envious, why was i not in a school which as one girl describes ‘loves going to’, and get the top grades in the country, why did i have to go to a damp cold school whose teachers felt threatened by any sign of individual masculinity to the extent that they chose to systematically break those individuals down,
when i walk in, (which has not been very often), to lubavtich house and see the familiar blank pained faces of the mechina boys, I got to tell ya that’s when it really hurts… knowing that they are going through the same systematic break down that i and my friends older and younger went through, knowing chances are those protected few will find somehow have a secured spot at the top whielst the weaker one’s will just fall in somewhere.. Where?? doesn’t matter! just as long as the hat and jackets are black.. as black as the hole they eventually (g-d forbid – but tragically ) fall into..
my tension is not with the girls school, i never went there! though its a shame as i am sure it would have made for better entertainment value.., (jking, now now don’t be so stiff, there is always room for a little humor even on a topic of such critical importance as this ; )
i guess the gist of what i am trying to say is really a message targeted to the top, it is as follows, do not for a second sit patting yourselves on the back that you have silenced your critics with this celebrated medal, there is a whole other truth to this picture, as said in previous post, it would be the equivalent of ‘an elephant hiding behind a mouse’…
Would be nice to hear that the head of Mechina has had a change of regime attitude..
Chasima Vachasima Tova to all!
Blah blah blah…
YES! there are many problems with the lubavitch education in london!! im sure many ppl will agree with you. but speaking like that and putting down pupils acheivments wont help the situation. SO PLEASE STOP!
Yes, I agree with the last comment, not to put pupils down. The schools have a great responsibility for the students they send out into the world…. Just ask the male "survivors" of Mechina from the old days…. I sure hope that the teachers of the time are long gone (and rotting in Hell) for what they did to little boys, now grown men, messed up and in pain, afraid to speak out, hurting their loved ones because of their anger, yes, my husband, his brothers, and many of their friends. What’s happening to Kolko now is a great satisfaction to those who feel ashamed for not coming forward. If there are any of you out there, come forward, rid yourselves of the shame…. and maybe my husband, too, will speak out.
In response to some of the comments that people are making….. I know a few Shluchim who come from London, personally. Just because they are shluchim, doesn’t in anyway present the true person they are, you do not live in their homes, you do not know what they are truly like. I am related to some of them, and let me tell you, they have a lot of issues, because of the Education system they received in LONDON. It pains me to hear of them speak so negatively about Lubavitch, and the Rebbe, and yet they are shluchim. If a person had a negative experience in the very school being praised, they have a right to come forward, and anyone who ignorantly accuses them of having a chip on their shoulder, is not any better than Lipa Margoles in defending Kolko.