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Manhole Explosion on Kingston Avenue

Crown Heights, Brooklyn — Today, Tuesday, at about 1:30 in the afternoon, a manhole exploded on Kingston Ave [between President and Union St]. An underground electrical circuit overheated apparently and sent flames and smoke into the air.

More pictures and video in the Extended.

10 Couples Wed in the 22nd Annual Wedding Celebration

Pictured are the ten grooms with their officiating Rabbi’s from L-R: Rabbi Asher Alshul – Brooklyn, NY, Rabbi Mendel Zaltzman – Youth Director, Rabbi Shimon Aaron Rosenfeld – Crown Heights, Rabbi Dovid Wilansky – Administrator Rabbi’s Mordechai Kanelsky – Executive Director, Rossi Yossi Kanelsky – Regional Director, Rabi Boruch Lepkivker – Program Director Center, Rabbi Yechazkol Lebovic – Maplewood, NJ, Rabbi Pinchas Rabinowitz – Monsey, NY, Rabbi Berele Zaltzman – Community Development Director

Hillside, NJ –Ten days after arriving in this country, a Jewish couple celebrated their marriage with a traditional Chuppah wedding. Shimon and Inna had been denied a religious celebration when they were civilly married in the Ukraine. The couple heard about Bris Avrohom, in Hillside, New Jersey, and decided to come to America, with other family members, to partake in their 22nd Annual Wedding Celebration.

More in the Extended Article!

The Rebbe’s Children: Does Anyone Care?

The other day a woman called my office to tell me that she had a problem with registering her children in Yeshiva. The administration was pressuring her for more tuition and she simply couldn’t afford it. Her husband learned in Kollel full time and she was working and had a limited income and she couldn’t afford the astronomical tuition for her sons.

She told me that as she continued talking to the administrator, who was only pushing her because he desperately needed the money, she was hit by inspiration.

She then told the Menahel, “I went through your Bais Yaakov system. I am a product of the Chinuch that you are selling. I was taught that the most important thing is to support a husband learning Torah. Therefore I got a profession and I am the breadwinner and homemaker and my husband is sitting and learning. Now you are denying my children entrance into your Yeshiva because I can’t afford the tuition? I epitomize what you are teaching, yet you are not letting my children into your Yeshivah.”

Lunch N Learn in Iowa’s Deli

Windsor Heights, IA — Lunch ‘n learn Shiur yesterday at Lubavitch of Iowa’s Deli and Judaic Resoure Center. The students watched a power point presentation on the Halachos and the Chassidic approach to Sha’atnez and other types of Kilayim.

Picture of the Day – Shluchim to Ohr Elchanan

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Los Angeles, CA — This is a group picture of the shluchim To Mesivta Ohr Elchanan Chabad who are completing their year on Shlichus/ The picture was taken in front of the yeshiva building.

The picture was taken by’s contributing photographer Hershel Gilbert McNabb

Tanya B’al Peh Champions Win Trip to New York

Miami, FL — It was a competition like no other, with a prize like no other.

Lubavitch Elementary School’s Tanya B’al Peh contest, for the first time since the school’s establishment, awarded free trips to visit the Rebbe in New York to eleven students who learned the most lines of Sefer Tanya by heart. The project, which captured the enthusiasm of the entire elementary school, resulted in a total of over 3,500 lines of Tanya learned by the student body of 275.

More pictures in the Extended Article!

Jewish Preschool May Open

St. Petersburg Times
Stock Photo –

New Port Richey, FL — If approved, the school would serve the eastern part of the county.

Nearly six months after two Tampa Bay area Jewish federations agreed to carve up Pasco, there still aren’t many new offerings for Jews in the eastern part of the county.

New Store on Kingston Ave

Crown Heights Maternity has just moved their business, which now includes a full line of Shabbos robes, to Kingston Ave. [between Union and President St] According to our source the move was made to accomodate shoppers, who now won’t need to Shlep to New York Ave.

“Meshane Mokom Meshane Mazal Letova..”