Crown Heights, Brooklyn — Today, Tuesday, at about 1:30 in the afternoon, a manhole exploded on Kingston Ave [between President and Union St]. An underground electrical circuit overheated apparently and sent flames and smoke into the air.

More pictures and video in the Extended.

Manhole Explosion on Kingston Avenue

Crown Heights, Brooklyn — Today, Tuesday, at about 1:30 in the afternoon, a manhole exploded on Kingston Ave [between President and Union St]. An underground electrical circuit overheated apparently and sent flames and smoke into the air.

More pictures and video in the Extended.

Numerous people called 911. The FDNY, FDNY EMS and NYPD all responded and secured the area till Con Ed got there.

The explosion shut off electricity to most of Kingston from President St, till Eastern Parkway, with some reports that 770 also lost power.

Kingston Ave [between President and Union St] was closed for traffic for a couple of hours, while Con Ed emergency repair crews worked on restoring electricity.

BH there weren’t any injuries.


  • c.h. resident

    chaval there were no cameras there at the time it happened i was there and i thought here gos another 9/11 the smoke was so grey and thick u couldnt see up kingston ave.

  • Freaked out

    Freaky! Thank g-d no one was around when it exploded… or for that matter standing on top of it. I know I’ll be avoiding those manholes in the future!!

  • chrup!

    ooookaaaay! here we go with all the dramatization…. “here goes another 9/11…”?!? OH PLEEZ!

  • amazed

    its amazing no cars were parked near it. I actually passed by and saw huge smoke from kingston. It was about 1:30pm.

  • a person by the explosion

    there is no more 9/11 i was there with 2 of my friends and we were very scared the smoke was going through the air ppl were screaming run run the traffic lights went off it was crazy. and its not another 9/11 it was carneticon.

  • chaya klein

    someone was hurt. the ambliance took them to the hospital. I was acroos the street when it blow up.
    But i didn’t know at the time some one was hurt. does anyone know who got hurt?
    thanks. Chaya

  • c.h. resident

    no one was hurt the ambulance came and waited half hour then went without taking anyone the only person near the incident when it happened was one of the local “collectors” who wasnt sure if he should leave his stuff and run or take his time and get them together. there were cars right in front of the explosion but the owners moved them quickly and none were damaged luckily. hey it wasnt a 9/11 but the smoke and the way people were running away looked pretty freaky.

    p.s. whats carneticon????

  • Not overly optomisitc

    i live on kingston between union and albany. my apartment’s electricity turned on and off for a good few minutes. all the appliances.

    I had no idea what was going on. then, there was this 20 min long siren that was really really high pitched. It got stronger by the minute.

    i was like, this is it, the shofar of moshiach.

    And then of course it stopped blaring.

    Btw, as a side point, if anybody was injured G-D forbid, which B”H their not, that would have been a million dollar lawsuit.

  • anony

    I was pulling out of a parking place in Boro Park 3 years ago and this exact thing had happened, we saw the flames etc.
    I think they don’t have enough staff to check on the manholes often enough.

  • esti

    thank g-d no one was injured badly and that the fire deparment came right away fire deparment rox!! and so does the 71st precint!!