Jewish Author to Lead Talk on Christian Evangelists

The Coloradoan

Ft. Collins, CO — The Chabad Jewish Student Alliance at Colorado State University is dedicating an evening to the issue of Christian missionaries who proselytize to Jews.

The student group is hosting a visit by Rabbi Bentzion Kravitz, author of the book “The Jewish Response to Missionaries” and founder of Jews for Judaism International. Kravitz will speak at 8 p.m. Thursday at Colorado State University Lory Student Center, Room 230.

The talk is titled “J*s Was a Jew: But Can a Jew Be for J*s?!” Kravitz will discuss Messianic Christian groups that assert that Jews can believe in J*s as the Messiah and still remain Jewish. He also will make suggestions about how Jewish students can respond to Christian evangelists.

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Kinnus Talmidei HaShluchim of the FSU

Kharkov, Russia — This past shabbos, Talmidei HaShuchim from throughout the Former Soviet Union gathered in Kharkov, Ukraine for the Annual Kinnus Talmidei Hashluchim, sponsored by the Vaad Talmidei Hatmimim Haolami and the local Kharkov Community. The bochurim arrived Thursday afternoon, and immediately started an informal Farbrengen. After registering at the Yeshiva Ketana, the Bochurim went to the Shul where Hatomim Bentzion Geisinsky gave a shiur in Chassidus which sparked a lively discussion among the Bochurim.

More pictures in the Extended Article

Businessman and Professionals turn out for Jewish Business Network (JBN)

Southwest Florida — Over 200 Business & Professionals turn out for the newly formed Jewish Business Network (JBN) started by Rabbi Yitzchok & Nechamie Minkowicz Directors of Chabad Lubavitch of Sothwest Florida

Rabbi Yitzchok Minkowicz Director of Chabad Lubavitch of Southwest Florida said that the response to their first JBN event was way beyond their wildest dreams of interest & success.

Announced: West Coast Kinus HaShluchim – 5767

This year’s West Coast Kinus HaShluchim location has been announced – in Glendale, California. A record amount of Shluchim is expected to participate – over 200 – and for the first time Balabatim are invited to attend the gala “Leadership Dinner”.

More information forthcoming.

Montgomery Street Hondas Hit Again

Late Monday night/Early Tuesday morning airbag theifs struck Montgomery St. once again, this time it took place in between Albany and Troy and the car was a Honda Accord. The rear small window was smashed in order to gain access to the vehicle and the driver and passenger side airbags were removed along with the airbag computers.

This incident follows the night before airbag job on Montgomery between Kingston and Albany.

More in the Extended Article.