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The Rebbe and the Rocket Scientist

Yocheved Miriam Russo – Jerusalem Post
Velvl Greene

My life is a series of footnotes,“ says Velvl Greene, 78, now retired as professor emeritus from both the University of Minnesota and Ben-Gurion University of the Negev. ”I was at the right place at the right time. Big things were happening, and I took advantage to be involved.”

Greene, a biologist, earned his first national reputation under fire when a devastating outbreak of Staphylococcus took place in Louisiana, where he was teaching. He earned his second reputation as a principal scientist for NASA in the ‘man on the moon’ project. Today, he travels internationally to speak on the topic of science and religion, a career that began when he became a close associate and emissary for Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson, the Lubavitcher Rebbe.

A Time To Build
The Rohr Chabad Jewish Community Center in Ekaterinburg, Russia

It’s a pattern that repeats itself in one community after another: the Chabad House that opened only a few years back soon outgrows the space of its lively storefront upstart, and the search for larger facilities begins. But a review of the construction projects included in this feature suggests an impulse more intriguing than the need for additional space. Judging by the aesthetics and multi-purpose functions of the new buildings—some that include everything from a sanctuary to a sports club, and many of them worthy of architectural reviews—it seems that inside each fabulous exterior of glass, steel and stone, there beats the pulse of a vibrant Jewish community.

Another Honda Gets Its Airbags Stolen + Car Break-in & Police Reduces its Patrolman Force

In the last few months we reported over 30 Honda Accords, Civics and Nissan Maxima’s having their airbags stolen. had learned that this isn’t a problem plaguing just Crown Heights but surrounding neighborhoods as well.

Monday morning a resident awoke to find the rear small window on her Honda Accord broken and the two airbags and air bag computer removed from the car, no other items had been taken. This incident follows the same pattern of those that had been happening in the past.

More in the Extended Article.

Shomrim Apprehend Alleged Car Thief

Sunday evening at around 10:30pm Shomrim received a call from an alert resident that had observed a young white male in their backyard inside a car. The incident had taken place on Eastern Pkwy between Troy and Albany.

Numerous Shomrim members responded and surrounded the area and called police, many officers of the 77th Precinct responded and arrived on scene with the youth still inside the vehicle. Police arrested the youth and when questioned as to why he was in the car he answered that ‘he was being chased and was scared so he was hiding in the car’.

Car Runs into Tree

At around 1:30 early Monday morning a black Lexus LS400 lost control on the wet streets and drove up onto the sidewalk completely uprooting a stand pipe and folding its two protective poles and finally coming to rest on a tree.

The incident took place on Eastern Pkwy between Kingston and Albany, FDNY EMS responded to the scene and removed the driver to a local hospital. There were no Yidden involved in this incident.

More pictures in the Extended Article.

A Mothers Cry For Help

From the Inbox

I am having a hard year with my son at school. The class is large and although he is bright, he gets easily distracted.

I feel like the Rebbe’s are calling me every other day complaining about my son. “He’s not doing his homework”, “He seems so disinterested, and as a result disturbing my teaching”

I am just so frustrated! I have other children, B”H my other sons are doing well in this school, but its not working for this son. I work full time to pay the cost of tuition and my son is not getting his education.