Torah Studies to Be Launched by 240 Shluchim Worldwide

Torah Studies, a JLI program designed to spark prominence, prestige and professionalism to weekly Parsha classes at Chabad Centers worldwide, is now being launched in over 240 cities around the world and scheduled to begin shortly with a new 12-week series on Sefer Bereishis.

Torah Studies is the brainchild of Rabbi Moshe Kotlarsky and was launched as a resolution of last year’s Kinus Hashluchim to “provide all shluchim with the necessary tools to enhance and upgrade their adult education efforts, and has rapidly developed to be the largest Parsha class in the world”, said Rabbi Moshe Kotlarsky, who spearheaded its creation and development over the past year “with as many as 10,000 students studying the very same text weekly” he added.

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Brutal Assault on the Night of Yom Kippur

Blood spatter from the attack that was still visible on Motzoai Yom Kippur

After Davening, at around 9:30 pm a sixteen year old Bochur was assaulted on Carroll St between Troy and Schenectady. The incident began when a group of about five to seven Black males surrounded the Bochur and hit the him in the head, followed by a wave of blows from the group, leaving the Bochur in need of medical attention.

Upon hearing calls for help, bystanders came forward, scaring off the group, who fled on Carroll towards Troy with a group of Yidden hot on their trail. Police stationed on President and Troy saw what was going on and joined in on the pursuit, catching result of which ended in the apprehension of three out of the group.

Back on Carroll street, Hatzalah responded and began treating the Bochur for the extensive injuries to his head, including a broken nose, cuts to the back of his head and face, and his eyes swollen shut. When being questioned as to what had taken place the Bochur was incoherent and mixed up, which worried Hatzalah. At first he said that they demanded money, while the assault didn’t look like that of an attempted mugging.

Erev Yom Kippur at the Ohel by Getty Images

Hasidic Jewish men laugh while performing a ritual whipping before sunset outside the grave of Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson, the seventh grand rebbe of the Chabad Lubavitch Hasidic movement, to mark the start of Yom Kippur October 1, 2006 in Cambria Heights, New York. Yom Kippur, the Jewish New Year, is considered the holiest day of the year and hundreds of men are visiting the holy pilgrimage site to mark the holiday. Married men wear white on the holiday to symbolize angelic presence. (Photo by Mario Tama/Getty Images)

Getty Images, one of the largest image banks on the internet had one of its contributing photographers Mario Tama at the Ohel on Erev Yom Kippur.

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Hacnosas Safer Torah at the Ohel

Photos by

Motzoai Shabbos Haazinu and Erev Yom Kippur a Hacnosas Safer Torah to the Ohel took place. The Torah donated in memory of Reb Yisroel Ben Reb Schneir Zalman Halevi Duchman and Reb Yisroel Yakov Ben Shlomo Hamer, L’ezchus their their Wives, Children, Grandchildren, and Great Grandchildren.

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Shomrim Put Out First Marked Patrol Car

We have seen the scooters zipping around day and night, and for the first time ever Crown Heights Shomrim Division is putting a fully marked patrol car on the road. Donated by Aron & Mirit Hershkop of Everything Automotive this is the first of two cars that have been donated, in memory of Ephraim Klein HY”D who was murdered on the streets of Crown Heights. The second car is due to hit the streets next month.

The idea behind the marked patrol car is with ‘crime prevention’ in mind. Every night there are one or two Shomrim members patrolling in their private cars keeping a watchful eye on the neighborhood, while this is good for an immediate response to call’s and to spot the crime as it happens, it is not as affective for preventing crime.

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Lubavitch Rabbi Ruffles Wrong Feathers

Brighton, Boston – The city is cracking down on the rabbi who ruffled feathers in his Brighton neighborhood by slaughtering dozens of chickens Erev Yom Kippur as part of a religious ritual and later turned his driveway into a makeshift butcher shop.

The city plans to issue a nuisance notice today to the owner of 239 Chestnut Hill Ave., where yesterday dozens of squawking chickens were beheaded as part of a ritual preceding.

Rabbi Pinchus Krinsky of the Lubavitcher Shul, started performing the slaughter at his home five years ago after his butcher shop closed, said next-door neighbor Larry Loew who says he complained to the city about the unsanitary conditions. “This is not a religious issue. This is a health issue,” Loew said. “You can’t butcher in the name of any God in your back yard without the proper drainage and meeting health codes. He’s putting everyone around him at risk.”

Hit and Run on Kingston and Empire

Motzoai Shabbos, the streets bustling with people heading to and from Kapores around the neighborhood. One elderly couple driving up Kingston, crossing Empire Blvd, struck a red Mitsubishi who by all witness accounts ran the light and was previously observed driving recklessly with loud music playing.

The impact sent the red car into a traffic light pole, immediately after which all three occupants, who according to eye witnesses were all teenage Black males, got out of the car leaving the engine running and ran from the scene. A few Israeli Bochurim who witnessed the accident began perusing the trio managing to catch one of them and a passing Shomrim member held the suspect until police arrived.

More pictures in the Extended Article!

Over 1000 Attended the Vov Tishrai Farbrengen in Bais Rivkah

Thursday, Vov Tishrei a Farbrengen in honor of the Yortziet of the Rebbe’s mother Rebbetzin Chana A”H was held in the Bais Rivkah Campus Chomes ballroom around set tables. Over 1000 Bochurim attended with Reb Yoel Kahan Farbrenging, organized by the Vaad Talmidai Hatmimim for the Bochurim that were visiting and living in Crown Heights. Prior to the Farbrengen a video of ‘Farbrengen with the Rebbe’ was displayed along with special parts of the events of Vov Tishrei 5748.

More pictures in the Extended Article.

Vov Tishrei at the Ohel

Photos by’s Eli Kahan and Shlomo Chaim Rivkin

On honor of the 6th of Tishrei, the yohrtziet of Rebbetzin Chana the Mother of the Rebbe, hundreds of Bochurim, Girls and Anash went to the Montefiore Cemetery in Queens to visit the Rebbetzin’s gravesite and Ohel.

Special photo gallery by in the Extended Article!

Tefilos in the Rebbe’s House in Honor of Vov Tishrei

Photo by Eli Kahan for

On honor of the 6th of Tishrei, the yohrtziet of Rebbetzin Chana the Mother of the Rebbe, the Rebbe’s house on President Street was open for Davening. This was made possible by the efforts of the ‘Vaad Talmidai Hatmimim Haolami’ for the benefit of the Bochurim and visitors to Crown Heights. Shacharis was at 9:30 and the Chazzan was R. Chaim Shaul Brook.

More pictures in the Extended Article.