Hit and Run on Kingston and Empire
Motzoai Shabbos, the streets bustling with people heading to and from Kapores around the neighborhood. One elderly couple driving up Kingston, crossing Empire Blvd, struck a red Mitsubishi who by all witness accounts ran the light and was previously observed driving recklessly with loud music playing.
The impact sent the red car into a traffic light pole, immediately after which all three occupants, who according to eye witnesses were all teenage Black males, got out of the car leaving the engine running and ran from the scene. A few Israeli Bochurim who witnessed the accident began perusing the trio managing to catch one of them and a passing Shomrim member held the suspect until police arrived.
More pictures in the Extended Article!
Police ran the cars plates and found the car not to have been reported stolen, and when questioning the teen he provided identification which stated that he was 16, and he claimed to have picked up a ride thinking it was a taxi on Utica Ave. He was released into the custody of his grandmother who came to the scene. Fleeing a scene of an accident regardless of being a driver or a passenger is a crime.
Later another police car came driving up to the scene, with a passenger who claimed that it was his car. He stated that he received a call from the driver saying that ‘police took away the car’ so he walked into the 71st precinct where he got a ride to the scene.

How are the elderly couple? Are they Jewish?
Cos that’s what I care about. too bad for those sensitive souls.
Yes, they are jewish.
Luckily the blacks fled, and didn’t decide to start a riot!
y did they let him go he will only do it again the black ppl dont learn , any chance they can hit a jew they will do it
see the israeli’s are helping us deal with this crime issue, they dont let things go… they run after them. so regardless of how 770 smells maybe extra people hanging around the streets isn’t so bad after all. Eh?
You are right about the israeli bochurim being around, hehe and we made such a fuss!
Eliezer wrote:
"Luckily the blacks fled, and didn’t decide to start a riot!"
are you kidding me???!!!! they didn`t start a riot? we should have started a riot!!!!!!!!!!
crown street resident
see the isrealis are not that bad but how could you say something bad like that about a fellow jew?
they let hin free??????????????????
only in ch ( and in this freekin anti-smetic place i live in) can this happen!
newhere else he would be put bhind bars
its so scary it happends every day