Crown Heights to get together for “Day of Study” on the subject of Moshiach and Geulah

By Yitzchok Wagshul – Crown Heights Chronicle

A Yom Iyun, or “Day of Study,” on the subject of Moshiach and Geulah will, IY”H, be held this Sunday, May 15th from 11:00 a.m. until 7:00 p.m. at Oholei Menachem, 667 Eastern Parkway.

The event, sponsored jointly by the Vaad HaKahal and the National Committee for the Furtherance of Jewish Education (NCFJE), is scheduled to coincide with 6 Iyar, which is the s’fira count of malchus sheh-b’tiferes – a day the Rebbe has said is especially appropriate for such study.

Renowned and fascinating speakers will be on hand throughout the day, including such luminaries as our own Rabbonim, Rabbi Avrohom Osdoba shlita and Rabbi Aharon Yaacov Schwei shlita, as well as Rabbi Isser Weisberg of Toronto, who regularly enthralls audiences with his novel insights on Moshiach and Geulah. It is costing over $650 to fly Rabbi Weisberg here and back, according to the Vaad HaKahal, but it should be well worth it.

Other prominent speakers include, in alphabetical order: Rabbi Shmuel Butman; Rabbi Avrohom Gerlitzky; Rabbi Zvi Homnick; Rabbi Shloma Majesky; and Rabbi Michoel Seligson. Others are slated to attend as well, but have not yet confirmed their availability.

Among the interesting topics to be addressed are such pressing matters as: What signs show that geulah is imminent; How can we “do everything in our power” to bring Moshiach; and How can we prepare for geulah on a personal level.

Refreshments will be served and the day promises to be both educational and inspiring, so be sure and mark your calendar and come by for part or all of the program!

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SNS has learned that Rabbi & Mrs. Velvel Lipsker of Crown Heights are moving to Miami, FL where Velvel will serve as Mashpia in the Yeshiva Gedola, starting in Elul 5765.

Rabbi Lipsker was appointed by Rabbi Benzion Korf, Menahel of the Yeshiva.


The Lipskers can be reached via e-mail @

New Chumash with Rebbe’s Pirushim discussed @ 2-hour-long meeting in 788 E.P.

On Wednesday afternoon a 2-hour-long meeting took place in the conference room of 788 Eastern Parkway to discuss the launch of a brand new project by Kehos.

The project, is a new Chumash with the Rebbe’s Pirushim in Loshon Kodesh.

With today’s important meeting, the hope is that very soon work will begin.

Participants @ the meeting included Rabbis: Yoel Kahan, Yehuda Krinsky, Yossi Friedman, Leibel Altein, Yaakov Moshe Wolberg, Chaim Shaul Brook, Dovid Feldman, Aron Leib Raskin, Ari Chitrik, Berel Levin, Yitzchok Wilhelm, Eli Matusof, Dovid Olidort, Yirmy Berkowitz, Gavriel Schapiro, Yisroel Shimon Kalmanson and Ari Sollish. Participating via conference call were Rabbis Leibel Schapiro and Mendel Kaplan.

Thursday, the 3rd of Iyar marks 12 years since the passing of Rabbi Chaim Mordechai Isaac Hodakov.


Rabbi Hodakov served as Menahel of “Machne Yisroel”, “Merkos L’Inyonei Chinuch”, Chief secretary of the Rebbe, and was the “Yoshev Rosh” of “Agudas Chassidei Chabad Ha’Olomis”.

May his Neshama have an aliya. Vehukeetzu veranenu shochnay ufur vehu besochom!

SLICE OF SLICE from the Lchaim 8 Sivan 5753

On Friday evening, the 3rd of Iyar (April 23), Rabbi Chaim Mordechai Isaac Hodakov, passed away

Rabbi Groner Farbreings on Beis Iyar


A few dozen women of Crown Heights participated in a farbreingen arranged by Mrs. Chani Farkash in her home. Rabbi Yehudah Leib Groner – the Rebbe’s secretary, farbreinged with the women after an introduction by Rabbi Yehudah Rubin – Beis Chabad director of Alon Moreh, who updated the women regarding the struggle against the disengagement plan.

Rabbi Groner stressed the role of women as the ‘Akeres Habayis’ (main constructive force in the home), and her role at designing and maintaining the Jewish home. Rabbi Groner integrated his speech with stories from the Rebbe’s sichos etc. Crown Heights’ women anticipate a future follow up of similar sessions dealing with the role of the Chassidic women in their homes.

Crown Heights’ Burglar – Caught

The arrest of the serial burglar in Crown Heights brought a feeling of relief to both Institutes and Businesses in the area. The burglar, a former resident of Crown Heights, knew how to target good timings for his actions, and chose, for example, the Seder night to empty out valuable contents of drawers in offices he was acquainted with.

Upon consultation with the neighborhood Rabbi – Rabbi Osdoba, a group of people who were robbed, filed a complaint with the police. This Wednesday night, the ‘ganov’ was caught red handed in one of Crown Heights’ yeshivas, as he was attempting to steal from the Director’s office. Police investigators are currently working on finding the hiding place of all the stolen objects.