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InfoDeals Daily Deal – 74% OFF Mini Drone with Camera – 1080P HD Foldable Drone

Grab this perfect InfoDeal!

Mini Drone with Camera – 1080P HD Foldable Drone

With Stable Hover, Gravity Control, Auto-Follow

Trajectory Flight, 90° Adjustable Lens

One Key Take Off, 2 Batteries

DEAL PRICE: $44.99 (74% OFF)


Grab The Deal Through Amazon: Click Here

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LIVE: One Hour of Hisorerus

As we approach just two weeks to Gimmel Tammuz – 30 years and Chassidim around the world are seeking meaningful ways to prepare for Gimmel Tammuz, Vaad Or Vechom Hahsikashrus invites the public to join a special virtual Kinus for ‘One Hour of Hisorerus.’