The BESHT Releases Speaker List For Shavuos Night
Following the annual custom of learning the first night of Shavuos, The Besht Center has released a list of guest speakers that will be available throughout the night.
Following the annual custom of learning the first night of Shavuos, The Besht Center has released a list of guest speakers that will be available throughout the night.
With great sadness we report the passing of Mrs. May Chana Mayta (nee Leevy) Tessler OBM, the mother of Mrs. Malca Bayzman of Crown Heights. She passed away on Monday, the 10th of June, 4th of Sivan, 5784.
Your letter claims you had the pleasure of serving our community for 14 years. Is that a joke? We don’t get your sense of humor.
Crown Heights Shomrim has released a wanted posted after receiving an emergency call for a Jewish woman who had been assaulted.
EmBRace Magazine, Issue #16: Find out more about how two sisters found their way to authentic Yiddishkeit in the latest edition of Embrace.
To assist those in Crown Heights who may need to ask a question of a Rov over Shavuos, the Rabbonim’s schedule has been released for the benefit of the public.
One month before Gimmel Tammuz, Beis Midrash L’Shluchim at Merkos 302 invites all to join and boost their hiskashrus to The Rebbe with an in-depth learning program focusing on the topic of a Raya Mehemna. Take part in shiurim and a tailored curriculum to approach this auspicious day with reverence.
Four Israeli soldiers were killed by a blast in a booby-trapped building in southern Gaza’s Rafah yesterday, the military announces.
A two-day seminar for new and aspiring Shluchos will take place in Crown Heights on 4 – 5 Tammuz / July 10 -11. Organized by the New Shluchim Desk at Merkos 302, the summit will feature a wide range of speakers will address a variety of topics to help prepare for this bold life mission.