INBOX: Response – A Farewell to Failure
by A Concerned Member of the Crown Heights Community
To the Former Vaad Hakohol Members,
Good riddance. Your letter claims you had the pleasure of serving our community for 14 years. Is that a joke? We don’t get your sense of humor. It’s ironic that you couldn’t list a single accomplishment. Instead of uniting us, your tenure was marked by infighting, disrespect for our rabbonim, and a split in kashrus supervision. Do you know that most in our community don’t even know about the Mass HaKohol tax meant to support our rabbonim? You didn’t care for our leadership or our community.
The CHJCC has a history of electing people more interested in their own gain than in serving the community. No wonder only 1,800 votes were cast this year. Thankfully, the six newly elected members have seen the disaster your corruption brought and are committed to genuine service. The community will hold them accountable if they dont step up.
What did you do for our physical well-being? Did you try to stop city bikes from taking valuable parking? Did you engage with developers building monstrosities designed for non-Jews, making it harder for our young people to find housing? When we called for assistance, we were often directed elsewhere, forced to expend time, money, and energy in other neighborhoods. During COVID, did you help struggling businesses with subsidies? Your tenure was a wasted 14 years. For what? What did YOU gain from it?
To the new board members: The Baal Shem Tov teaches us to learn from everything we see and hear. The retiring board is a prime example of what NOT to do. Please look at everything the prior board did—or didn’t do. Your enthusiasm, dedication, and commitment to transparency are already refreshing. In the next three years, you will accomplish more than the outgoing Vaad and their Executive Director did in the last 14.
This is not an attack on any individual member but rather on how the position was treated. Don’t insult us by claiming it was an honor to serve. Have a successful life here in the community, benefiting from the changes our new board will bring.
A Concerned Member of the Crown Heights Community
Yossi A.
Kudos for a letter wel to written.
As a CH for the past 45+ years, very unfortunately, I totally agree with you.
Daniel Botnick
Nice remarks. Where was your voice during last 14 years? Like the rest of the community you saw the CHJCC as irrelevant and you didn’t say a thing! I hope you continue to speak out and keep the new guys on their toes.
The author
A 100% correct. I should have spoken up I think we all got complacent but when we realize that there are people ready willing and able to bring change it’s important that we stand behind and support them. It also brings up memories of the time we had lost and we could have grown as a community.
Yossi K.
I sure did speak out.
I spoke with Eli Cohen.
He said in this democratic city. Be happy with what you get.
Eli is & will always be a puppet to the black elected officials.
Sarah H
Thank you for saying what needed to be said!
Couldn't have said it better myself
This is exactly what I hear from everyone. But I guarantee that the authors of the previous letter will not bother to respond.
The real question is to those in the comments section that want to defend the previous board. Please articulate 5 things that they accomplished that brought about positive change to this community.
This article was quite embarrassing but it’s the fact.
Anonymous strikes again
Shots fired!
This election awoke the sleeping beer!
I don’t know if it’s the same author from other articles but this guy is amazing!
meyer cheinYe quess
This hatefull comment was totally out of line, and probably not in line with halacha. It is still sefira time.
Sad but true
Very professionally written
I don't see any hate
He clearly writes that it is not a personal Attack.
Let me ask you this, If something is wrong and speaking up about it might offend Someone inadvertently.
Does that mean you let it slide?
there was an injustice done to our community it’s time for us to learn from the mistakes of the past so we can grow.
I wonder if the previous administration would cure to address the issues you mentioned. True its of no relevance now but it be interesting.
Jay Sorid
The two CAMBA buildings housing mostly homeless, built on Albany & Winthrop circa 2016, had no CHJCC comment. Vital Brooklyn projects that have 30 day comment periods & NYS Zoom Sessions had no input from CHJCC. Mayor DiBlasios “upzoning” (“ZQA/MIH”), that got rid of parking requirements by making all of CB 9 a “transit zone” – same story. Eric Adams “City of Yes” Zoning Changes coming soon
Facts baby facts!
It’s a shame we didn’t know about this
Jay Sorid
@Facts baby facts! – I have Good news & Bad news
First the Good News: at Community Board (“CB”) 9, with all the housing issues going on, one Lubavitch Jewish CB 9 member finally did join the housing committee last Sept’23
Bad News: Said CB 9 Lubavitch Board member never showed up to a SINGLE CB 9 Housing Committee meeting. CB9 Yidden are protecting Assemb Cunningham more than the community.
Blame everyone else
You’re no better then everyone else. Blame everyone else. If you want something to be done get involved yourself.
Your op-ed is disrespectful and nasty (with the typical Ch attitude).
And if your problem is is the citibikes – maybe notice that they’re actually helpful and being used.
No, in fact, it’s factual and calm. That you see “disrespect” and “nastiness” – well, look in the mirror.
As for the Citibikes – maybe they’re useful, maybe not, but at any rate they didn’t need to be placed in places where they take up valuable and short-in-supply parking spaces. But you don’t care, because who cares about the families, right? It’s all about feeling good about yourself.
To yossi k
Eli cohen is not the problem. In fact he is the only member of the vaad in any capacity that was at every meeting (I am told) and helped make this election happen