MTA Sets Date for Congestion Pricing to Begin in Manhattan
An official start date for congestion pricing in Manhattan has been set, the MTA announced on Friday. Congestion pricing is set to begin on June 30.
An official start date for congestion pricing in Manhattan has been set, the MTA announced on Friday. Congestion pricing is set to begin on June 30.
The new music video is a twist on the old classic “I’m a Jew and I’m Proud” with new lyrics to reflect current events and The Lag B’Omer Parade. It features Simcha Friedman, who will travel from Eretz Yisroel to headline the parade, joined by Benny Friedman and 8th Day who produced the song.
In the past years, I had not regularly posted during Chol HaMoed. But being that I accepted upon myself to post a thought of the maamar that is published in the weekly booklet Dvar Malchus, I chose to go ahead and write it up.
In this week’s Dvar Torah, Rabbi Katzman explains the concept of freedom, and how freedom is a journey taken by the Jews as they left Egypt and one that we make ourselves today.
While many Crown Heights residents were away for Pesach, the many package thieves of Crown Heights were not on vacation. Thankfully, neither were the volunteers of Crown Heights Shomrim.
From all the cities and districts in Russia, on the eve of Passover, information arrived on the completion of the extensive preparations, allowing hundreds of thousands of Russian Jews to celebrate the holiday with all necessities.