Shomrim Is On The Hunt For Creep Who Assaulted A Woman on Albany Ave
Crown Heights Shomrim has released a wanted poster of a creep wanted for assaulting a Jewish woman on Albany Ave Wednesday. They want this menace off the streets of Crown Heights.
Crown Heights Shomrim has released a wanted poster of a creep wanted for assaulting a Jewish woman on Albany Ave Wednesday. They want this menace off the streets of Crown Heights.
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Signs are being placed in eligible Crown Heights Shuls calling for candidates to run for the Crown Heights Jewish Community Council and the Vaad Hakohol of Crown Heights.
With great sadness we report the passing of Rabbi Zalman Wilschanski OBM, the Rosh Yeshiva of Tomchei Tmimim in Morristown, NJ. He passed away on Wednesday, the 17th of Adar II, 5784. Updated with Levaya information
Former US Senator Joseph I. Lieberman, a staunch independent and defender of Jewish values, has passed away following complications from a fall.
The Rabbonim of our Shchuna, Horav Avrohom Asdoba and Horav Yossef Yeshaya Braun, have reached out to the entire community asking to join in a Yom Tefillah.
Organized by Merkos 302’s Shluchim Refuah and JLI’s Wellness Institute and hosted at the Jewish Children’s Museum, the event proved more popular than ever. A full-day program was complete with sessions by leading mental health professionals as well as experienced Shluchos, to present a perfectly balanced approach suited to the needs of Shluchos serving Jewish communities worldwide.
A nine story building located at 975 Nostrand Ave is now one more step ahead, after the owners, The Hudson Companies, secured $135 Million in funding for the new building.
Rabbi Pinchas Allouche and Rabbi Yitzchak Schochet, Ashkenazi vs Sephardi: Who Is Right?
An MTA board has voted to approve its finalized congestion pricing plan on Wednesday, which is slated to go into effect in mid-June.
Alternate side parking (street cleaning) is suspended on Thursday and Friday, March 28-29, 2024 for a holiday. Meters remain in effect.
Please take a few moments to say Tehillim for Rabbi Zalman Wilschanski – הרב שניאור זלמן בן זלטה, the long-time Rosh Yeshiva in Tomchei Temimim Lubavitch Morristown. Please say Kapital Chof and Ayin Hey.
Those trapped in the Soviet Union face a tremendous test. They have been in a predicament in which there was never a calm moment in matters of Judaism, yet they have never been deterred from their commitment to Judaism.
The lamp lit up the nights for Roman soldiers who guarded a fort on the Scorpions Ascent along an important ancient trade route over which copper, and possibly gold, were transported. An identical lamp was discovered in the same spot 90 years ago.
One winning Mega Millions ticket – worth a whopping $1.13 billion – was sold at a ShopRite in Neptune, according to lottery officials.
In Episode 43 of Lamplighters: Stories From Chabad Emissaries On The Jewish Frontier, reporter/producer Gary Waleik presents the story of Rabbi Moshe and Rebbetzin Yocheved Raskin, Chabad emissaries to Uganda. A few years ago, and with the unexpected help of a world traveler who’s also a mohel, the Raskins arranged for a bris for a baby boy whose mother wasn’t sure she wanted him to enter the covenant of Abraham.
Anash and bochurim gathered in Bnai Emunoh-Chabad of Greenfield for a grand Siyum Harambam Tuesday night.