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Eber’s Purim Liquor and Wine Sale

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SATIRE: HAIRkaras HaTov Event

Crown Heights, statistically boasting the highest concentration of hair per capita, teeming with bearded men, wigged women, a vibrant population of weave enthusiasts and the salons that cater to them, served as the perfect backdrop for this year’s first annual HAIRkaras Hatov event.

Amudim: Purim in the Shadow of October 7th

As Purim approaches, our hearts are heavy with the weight of recent events. How do we celebrate a holiday centered on happiness when our hearts are broken, and Israel is at war? How are we supposed to experience the joy of Purim when we know there are innocent men, women, and children still being held captive by Hamas?

Picture of the Day

Crown Heights Hatzalah Member Rabbi Yossi Rapp, who also heads the Chabad Air organization, was seen putting on Tefillin with a state Inspector at Chevra Hatzalah’s annual inspection. Before you ask, yes, this was the first time in his life that the inspector was putting on Tefillin.