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InfoDeals Daily Deal – 52% OFF 10 Tiers Shoe Rack

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20-25 Pairs Sturdy Shoe Shelf

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Weekly Story: The Power of Warmth

I heard the following insight of the Rebbe (written in a letter dated 25 Iyar, 5711) at a bar mitzvah a few weeks ago, and I repeated it this week at the bar mitzvah of my Grandson, Yisroel Meir sheyichye Altein. While the Rebbe noted how it applies to a bar mitzvah boy, I think it is a thought we all can take to heart.

Hundreds of New Yorkers Gather in Prayer for Hostages at Rebbe’s Resting Place

In a display of support and solidarity with Israel and with each other, more than 300 men and women from New York City’s diverse Jewish communities gathered together on Tuesday night, Jan. 13, at the Ohel, the resting place of the Rebbe—Rabbi Menachem M. Schneerson, of righteous memory—and offered prayers for Israel and the safe release of the hostages.