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InfoDeals Daily Deal – 50% OFF Non-Slip Cabinet Liner

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Shelf Liner, Non-Slip Cabinet Liner

Washable Oil-Proof for Kitchen Cabinet

Shelves, Refrigerator, Storage

Desks, 12 Inches x 10 FT

Non Adhesive Drawers Liner

DEAL PRICE: $11.19 (50% OFF)


Grab The Deal Through Amazon: Click Here

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Winner Announced for Hour with the Rebbe Raffle

On Motzoei Shabbos of Yud Shevat, over 4,000 Bochurim from 54 yeshivas came together in 770 for an unforgettable Hour with the Rebbe. An astonishing two thousand Bochurim enthusiastically completed the review questions and participated in an extraordinary raffle featuring a rare Ksav Yad kodesh of the Rebbe. Tonight, the suspense ended as Hillel Rappaport, a student at the Yeshiva of Queens, was thrilled to be announced as the raffle’s winner.

Marshall B. Grossman, 84, a ‘Tough Lawyer With a Soft Heart’

In powerful Hollywood circles, Marshall B. Grossman was known as a consummate litigator who represented clients like Steven Spielberg, Clint Eastwood and J.K. Rowling, and corporations like Apple, Blockbuster and Netflix. Grossman, who passed away in October at the age of 84 after a 10-year battle with Parkinson’s disease, was a no-holds-barred lawyer who litigated the first successful consumer class action in California.

Three US Service Members Killed, At Least 25 Injured In Drone Attack in Jordan

Three US service members were killed and 25 others wounded in a drone attack Saturday night in northeast Jordan near the Syrian border — a major escalation in already dangerously rising Mideast tensions.

Who Is “Hyrcanus” Whose Name Was Engraved in Hebrew on a Stone Bowl in Jerusalem 2,100 Years Ago?

In 2015, a fragment of a chalk or soft limestone bowl was unearthed in the Israel Antiquities Authority archaeological excavation in the City of David Givʽati Parking Lot in the Jerusalem Walls National Park. The vessel was published and immediately aroused the curiosity of researchers. “Such stone vessels were used extensively by Jews as they were considered unsusceptible to ritual impurity.”