Merkos Shlichus Bochurim Prepare For Pesach Around The Globe
A seminar hosted in the JCM prepared hundreds of bochurim to lead Sedorim in destinations worldwide under the Merkos Shlichus program.
A seminar hosted in the JCM prepared hundreds of bochurim to lead Sedorim in destinations worldwide under the Merkos Shlichus program.
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The topics in this week’s 398th episode of the highly acclaimed MyLife: Chassidus Applied series, with Rabbi Simon Jacobson, will include: Why Should the Rebbe’s Birthday Matter to Those That Never Heard of the Rebbe? How Did the Rebbe Change the World and What Is His Impact on My Life Today? 13 Nissan – Tzemech Tzedek’s 156th Yahrzeit: Why Did Crying Out Tzemech Three Times Not Bring the Geulah? How Do I Deal With My Wife’s OCD Around Pesach? Why Do We Lean to the Left During the Seder? How Will Pesach Be Observed After Moshiach Comes?
At an event honoring the Lubavitcher Rebbe County Executive Marcus Molinaro, East Fishkill Town Supervisor Nicholas D’Alessandro and Senator Sue Cvijanovich Serino all proclaimed this Tuesday, April 12th, the Rebbes 120th birthday as “Education and Sharing Day” in Dutchess County.
“Pharaoh in Pajama” is all about happy riffing on that nursery rhyme about Yetzias Mitzrayim. It’s the ultimate throwback, with a captivating rendition by the inimitable Shlepping Nachas gang.
Chabad Bochurim have arrive in New York City in advance of Yud Aleph Nissan, the Rebbe’s 120th birthday. Photographer Morde’hai Lubecki captured the moments surrounding Shabbos at the Rebbe’s Ohel.
Rabbi Gershon Avtzon of Cincinnati, OH, answers a weekly question pertaining to relevant issues in the Chabad community.
The two chief rabbis of Israel, along with the 12 members of the Chief Rabbinical Council, issued a proclamation calling for Jews worldwide to commemorate the 120th anniversary of the birth of the Rebbe—Rabbi Menachem M. Schneerson, of righteous memory.
In the leadup to Yud Aleph Nissan, a new project powered by OneMitzvah.org gives Lubavitchers a chance to unite in a global hachlata campaign for the Rebbe’s 120 years. The campaign is set to be the climax of the Crown Heights Yud Alef Nissan event.
As is the custom each year leading up to Yud Aleph Nissan, Chassidim and Baal Menagen accross Lubavitch propose niggunim created using the words of the Rebbe’s upcoming Kapital, looking to be chosen as the official niggun of the year. CrownHeights.info presents a list of these proposed niggunim.
To honor the memory and legacy of the venerated and beloved Gadol Hador, HaGaon Rav Chaim Kanievsky zt’l, a new booklet was published during his Shiva, entitled (in English translation): “The Beard and Shaving in the Teachings of Maran HaGaon Rav Chaim Kanievsky zt’l.”
Yossi Farro, a Chabad Bochur on Mivtzoim in Manhattan Friday afternoon, was suddenly put upon by a shirtless man who threatened to shoot him, and it was all caught on camera.
Key Budget victories include relief from the state taxes on motor fuels as New Yorkers face rising energy prices, accelerating the implementation of the middle-class tax cut, creating a tax credit for small businesses’ COVID-19 related expenses, providing small business tax relief, and a homeowner tax rebate credit.
About a hundred Palestinian Arab rioters entered Joseph’s Tomb overnight, smashed the tombstone marking the grave of the Biblical figure, and set multiple fires at the site.
The new book “The Life and Wrongful Death of Gregg David Wenzel Clandestine CIA officer Star 81” makes honorable mention of his family’s connection to three Chabad Shluchim.
A 4-part series with Rabbi YY Jacobson on the maamar “BeYom Ashtei Asar Yom”, which was recited by the Rebbe on his birthday, Yud Alef Nissan 5731 (1971) will be aired online.
Mayors of Champaign and Urbana, Deb Feinen and Diane Marlin Recognize the Rebbe’s Influence in Bringing Education and Morality to the Forefront of Public Discourse on Rebbe’s 120th Birthday