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Mazal Tov's View More

8:00pm: Should We Be Applauding the Launch of a New Telescope That Can Peer Back to the Beginning of Existence?

The topics in this week’s 388th episode of the highly acclaimed MyLife: Chassidus Applied series, with Rabbi Simon Jacobson, will include: What Can We Learn From Yesterday’s Hostage Crisis in Texas? 15 Shevat: What Lessons to Trees Teach Us? What is the Relevance of Sinai Today? Why Was the Torah Given in a Way That Frightened the People? What Attitude Should We Have to the Recent Auction of Personal Items of the Rebbeim? Should We Be Applauding the Launch of a New Telescope That Can Peer Back to the Beginning of Existence?

A Bridge Built In Buffalo, Fifty years of Chabad at SUNY Buffalo

The year 1971 was a tumultuous one. Think Pentagon Papers. The 26th Amendment. The Vietnam War. Student uprisings and resistance rallies disrupted college campuses across the country. Into this setting of chaos and countercultural ferment, stepped a young Chasidic couple from Crown Heights, Brooklyn, whose Yiddish was better than their English.