8:00pm: Should We Be Applauding the Launch of a New Telescope That Can Peer Back to the Beginning of Existence?

The topics in this week’s 388th episode of the highly acclaimed MyLife: Chassidus Applied series, with Rabbi Simon Jacobson, will include:

  • Chassidus Applied to 15 Shevat
    • What do we learn from trees?
    • Should we water our plants on the Rosh Hashana of Trees?
  • Lessons from Yisro
    • What is the relevance of Sinai today?
    • Why was the Torah given in a way that frightened the people? 
    • How do we reconcile the Jews accepting the Torah without question, and then trembling when they heard G-d’s voice?
    • Did we receive the entire Torah at Sinai or only the Ten Commandments?
    • Is there a connection between Yisro advising Moshe to delegate and the Rebbe sending out thousands of shluchim?
  • Yud Shevat follow-up
    • During the Yud Shevat Farbrengen 5711, did someone ask the rebbe to say a maamar?
    • What’s the story about the newspaper announcing the Rebbe’s assuming leadership?
    • What is the shechina? And how can it be concealed?
  • What can we learn from yesterday’s hostage crisis in Texas?
  • Do these things happen to elicit our prayers and tehillim?
  • What attitude should we have to the recent auction of personal items of the Rebbeim?
  • Can one use a pig’s heart for a heart transplant?
  • Should we be applauding the launch of a new telescope that can peer back to the beginning of existence?
  • How should we address the recent abuse scandal? Follow-up
  • Chassidus question: What is the meaning of the statement that “without Ohr the world would be dark and separate from its creator” – doesn’t all of life come from Ohr?

MyLife: Chassidus Applied is a weekly video webcast candidly answering questions from the public about all life matters and challenges, covering the entire spectrum of human experience. 

This hour-long dose of insights, broadcast live every Sunday night 8-9PM EDT, is meant to provide people with inspired guidance and direction, empowering them to deal with any issue they may face. 

In what has become a staple in so many people’s lives, MyLife: Chassidus Applied has provoked a significant reaction from the community, with thousands of people viewing each live broadcast and hundreds of questions pouring in week after week. At the root of every question and personal challenge tackled by the series is the overarching question: Does Judaism have the answers to my personal dilemmas?

MyLife demonstrates how Chassidus provides us with a comprehensive blueprint of the human psyche as a microcosm of the cosmos, and offers us all the guidance we need to live the healthiest possible life and build nurturing homes and families, bringing up the healthiest possible children, emotionally, psychologically and spiritually. MyLife is brought to you by the Meaningful Life Center as a public service, free of charge.

Questions may be submitted anonymously at chassidusapplied.com/ask.