What I Want to Give to My Campers At CGI Detroit
As the first summer on the newly leased grounds for CGI Detroit Boys Division got underway, Bentzi Avtzon of Yuvla Media captured the special energy of the camp.
As the first summer on the newly leased grounds for CGI Detroit Boys Division got underway, Bentzi Avtzon of Yuvla Media captured the special energy of the camp.
The topics in this week’s 365th episode of the highly acclaimed MyLife: Chassidus Applied series, with Rabbi Simon Jacobson, will include: Traveling to Alma Ata: Sentiments About the Rebbe and His Father; Is It Appropriate to Induce a Spiritual Experience Through a Drum Circle? How Should I Deal With My Family Opposing My Choice of Being a Chassid? As I Become More Religious I Am Alienating Some of My Friends. What Should Do About That? How Can a “Curse” Be Called a Gift? As I Celebrate My 100th Birthday, What Is One Important Lesson of Jewish Wisdom I Can Impart to My Family to Ensure They Will Have the Passion to Carry On Our Jewish Traditions?
“The current vaccine policy of many of our schools and seminaries is insanity; and unacceptable,” an Op-Ed by a concerned Lubavitcher on the growing trend of mandating the COVID vaccine.
As Elul draws near begin reviewing the Halachos Tishrei. Dedicate 15-20 minutes a day to Learn inside the Alter Rebbe shulchan aruch and be knowledgeable, inspired and informed on the upcoming Yomim Tovim.
The 40th Annual Dinner of Congregation Levi Yitzchok- Lubavitch/Chabad of South Broward Headquarters takes place this Thursday evening, August the 5th, 27 Menachem Av, on the Grand Princess Mega Yacht, a luxurious huge boat that can seat 500 people, including 190 people on the 2nd floor in the Main Ballroom.
It’s not often you get invited to a party with Hasidic Jews as a non-Jew. In this video, popular YouTuber Peter Santenello joins a Hachnasas Sefer Torah in Pomona New York, and takes a deep dive into the Orthodox Jewish culture with reporter Shloime Zionce.
As part of a special mivtza at Yeshivas Kayitz Yerushalayim, this year in Cozumel, almost half of the bochurim have completed Maseches Megillah, awarding them with a special trip and activities.
With great sadness we report the passing of Faigie Hershcovich OBM, a loving mother, wife, sister, niece, grandmother, and great grandmother who had the Zechus to assist in bringing life to hundreds of babies in Montreal’s Jewish community. She was also a respected Bodekes and helped numerous people prepare for the Olam HaEmes.
Thousands joined in person and online as a historic moment unfolded at the Kosel with the completion of the 7th children’s Sefer Torah, a special mivtza established by the Rebbe.
Prayer is such a central part of Judaism, it infuses everything else we do with light and vitality. And then there are levels of deeper, more meaningful prayer – an integral part of the self-refining work encouraged by Chassidism.
A man was shot and critically injured in an early morning shooting in Crown Heights Sunday. The shooter fled the scene in a black four-door sedan.
Flips, twists, jumps, and feats were watched in awe as the Chicago Boys Acrobat Troupe visited Camp Gan Israel Parksville.
Islamic State group terrorists ambushed a checkpoint in the northern Sinai Peninsula on Saturday, killing at least five troops from the security forces, officials said.