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InfoDeals Daily Deal – 93% OFF Walking Pad Under Desk Treadmill

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Walking Pad Under Desk Treadmills for Home

340 Lbs Capacity, 3 in 1 Portable Walking Pad

DEAL PRICE: $169.99 (93% OFF)


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For Jewish Medical Students in Grenada, a New Home Away From Home

The Caribbean island of Grenada—known for its white sandy beaches, stunning waterfalls and an abundance of nutmeg, cinnamon, cloves and ginger—is also home to a thriving medical school. Now, the Spice Isle will also be the site of a new 15,000-square-foot Chabad center that will serve as a home away from home for the hundreds of Jewish medical students who study there each year.

Video of the Day

You know that Merkos’s new Ambassador program that aims to empower others to become Shluchim is working well when you can’t get away from reminders to count Sefira. Would the person who got this stewardess to remind an entire plane full of Jewish people returning after Pesach to count Sefira please stand up?