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Shop your heart out, we’ll pick up the tab! Whatever shopping list you are aiming to tackle next, the Ten Yad Auction has got you covered.
A little late, but Rabbi Braun has weighed in on the Crown Heights Schools COVID testing Waiver controversy that has rocked the community, calling on the community to support the schools and not work to undermine them.
Gov. Andrew Cuomo on Tuesday urged residents of New York and neighboring New Jersey and Connecticut to avoid all but essential travel between the states because of a spike in coronavirus cases in the Garden and Nutmeg states.
The IDF has identified a terrorist attack tunnel which infiltrated into Israeli territory from the southern Gaza Strip, the military announced Tuesday evening.
In the United States, no one can control the media, but that doesn’t mean you can’t give them a hard time. So on Monday, Chassidim in Boro Park and Williamsburg took a stand.
The United Arab Emirates government on Monday ratified the landmark peace agreement it signed with Israel at the White House last month.
Rabbi Mendy and Dobie Mentz were recently appointed to establish a Chabad community in West Bel Air, Los Angeles, where they estimate there are between 1500 and 2000 Jews.
With great sadness we report the passing of Mrs. Shoshana Nemoy OBM, recently of Pittsburgh,PA. She passed away Monday night, the 2nd of Mar Cheshvan 5781, after a long illness.