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Eber’s Purim Liquor and Wine Sale

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19 Years later Part 1: 9/11 Through The Lens of A Shomrim Volunteer

Amid the chaos and panic following the airliners slamming into the two World Trade Center towers on September 11, 2001, many men and woman answered a higher calling – instead of running away, they turned and ran towards the burning buildings. Among those brave men was a band of Shomrim volunteers from Crown Heights. During their time at ground zero, one of the volunteers took these historic videos, published here on Crown for the first time.

Bone-Marrow Donor Drive Saves a Life in an Unexpected Way

by Mendel Super – Rabbi Yigal Rosenberg—a well-loved community rabbi in California and co-director of Chabad of Santa Clara with his wife, Elana—isn’t new to saving lives. From domestic violence to drug addiction, the rabbi doesn’t shy away from […]