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8:00pm: How do we address the guilt of the surviving relatives in this pandemic? How should I deal with marriage problems during this time?

The topics in this week’s 305th episode of the highly acclaimed MyLife: Chassidus Applied series, with Rabbi Simon Jacobson, will include: Lessons For Our Time From Post-Pesach, Chof Ches Nissan, Tazria-Metzora and Rosh Chodesh Iyar; Acronym of Ani Hashem Rofecho; Are There Any Parallels Between Our Current Corona Plague and the Plague That Struck Rabbi Akiva’s Students? How Do We Address the Guilt of the Surviving Relatives in This Pandemic? How Should I Deal With Marriage Problems During This Time?

Online Teaching Tips – Quadrupled!

With 91% of schools closed due to the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, the Nigri International Online School phone has been ringing non-stop. With the help of amazing teachers from many different countries, Nigri’s Online Schooling Guide was translated into multiple languages within 36 hours, to benefit as many people as possible.