Picture of the Day
As New York City braces for what is expected to be an overload on hospital resources across the city, the USNS Comfort Hospital Ship (or a photoshopped version of it), enters the New York City Harbor.
As New York City braces for what is expected to be an overload on hospital resources across the city, the USNS Comfort Hospital Ship (or a photoshopped version of it), enters the New York City Harbor.
With great sadness we report the passing of Rabbi Gershon Sabol OBM, a Chabad Chossid from Monsey, New York and director of the Yedei Chessed organization. He passed away Sunday, the 4th of Nissan, 5780.
As Part of the new project to watch and relive “Yud Alef Nissan Farbrengens with the Rebbe”, the Vaad Talmidei Hatemimim is pleased to present tonight’s Video Farbrengen: Yud Alef Nissan 5732 the Rebbe’s 70th Birthday, Sicha Beis and Grimmel. along with the Hanacha in English, Yiddish and Hebrew.
Rabbi Mordechai Gurary, a prominent Torah scholar who served as the rabbi of the Chevra Shas synagogue in the Crown Heights neighborhood of Brooklyn, N.Y., for many decades, passed away on March 28 after being infected with the coronavirus. He was 84 years old.
A conference call Lzchus the Refuah Sheleima of Crown Heights Rov, Rabbi Aharon Yaakov Shwei, will take place tonight titled “Preparing For The Bread of Faith.” The conference call is arranged by the Crown Heights Women’s Circle.
While Crown Heights stands at the front lines in the fight against the Coronavirus COVID-19 pandemic, CrownHeights.info will be making adjustments to the way it publishes news for the Crown Heights and Chabad community.
The topics in this week’s 302nd episode of the highly acclaimed MyLife: Chassidus Applied series, with Rabbi Simon Jacobson, will include: What Are the Spiritual Dynamics of a Virus Epidemic?
On Friday I received a whattsapp with a powerful message of the Rebbe Rashab which is extremely appropriate for our times. At the same time I would like to reiterate my appreciation for your feedback on these stories as well as the virtual farbrengen on Thursday evening, which was graciously hosted by Merkos302.
From the Safer Haminhagim: Every day from Rosh Chodesh Nissan until the twelfth of the month, one reads the passage that describes the offering brought on that day by a particular Nasi, or tribal prince, for the dedication of the altar of the Mishkan. Yehi Ratzon in the Extended Article.
LIVE NOW: Singer Yaakov Shwekey is hosting a live concert online for the wider Jewish community. The concert is for a Refuah Sheleima Stanley Chira Shalom ben Shahana, and for all those in need.
With great sadness we report the passing Rabbi Tzvi Dov (Heshy) Sheiner OBM, a Crown Heights resident who worked in Tzivos Hashem. He passed away on Sunday, the 4th of Nissan, 5780.
Watch a live broadcast at 3:00pm of the CKids JewQ Championship, where the finalists of Chabad Hebrew School children from around the country will face off in New York to test their mastery of Jewish knowledge.
The Bar Mitzvah celebration of Menachem Levi Pfeffer, like countless others was cancelled. A Bar Mitzvah Celebration with friends and family in a beautiful hall never came to fruition. So the family put together a movie in honor of all those that got them to this wonderful day.
The wives of Crown Heights’s Hatzalah volunteers again received an appreciation gift this past erev shabbos for allowing their husbands to do the tireless work in combating the COVID-19 virus sweeping the community.
With great sadness we report the passing of Mrs. Dusye Rivkin OBM, a long time resident of Crown Heights. She passed away on Sunday, the 4th of Nissan, 5780.
The CDC on Saturday night issued a domestic travel advisory for New York, New Jersey and Connecticut “effectively immediately,” just hours after President Donald Trump backed away from calling for a quarantine for the three coronavirus hotspots.