Shomrim Advisory: School Closure Due To COVID-19
Crown Heights Shomrim has published an advisory for the Crown Heights Jewish community.
Crown Heights Shomrim has published an advisory for the Crown Heights Jewish community.
An update of guidelines for the Crown Heights Jewish community has been published, with new recommendations from the CDC as well as reminders for measures that will keep Crown Heights safe.
Chevra Ahavas Yisroel of Crown Heights, has suspended all services and events for the time being as the community begins to battle the new Coronavirus COVID-19. Chevra Ahavas Yisroel is the first shul to officially suspend all services in Crown Heights.
Rabbi Yehudah Krinsky, Chairman of Merkos L’inyonei Chinuch, penned the following statement regarding the COVID-19 pandemic.
In little more than 24 hours since schools nationwide announced their abrupt closure due to COVID-19, Rabbi Zalmy Loewenthal, director of the Chabad Children’s Network (CKids), assembled a team of veteran educators to ensure that Hebrew School education for Jewish children would continue uninterrupted.
Please say tehillim kappital 62 for Baruch Yaakov Ben Aidel, who was diagnosed with cancer and is having surgery tomorrow morning around 11:00am.
A phone conference will be held tonight to help Crown Heights parents navigate the new realities of Coronavirus. The conference will speak about “Coping with Corona,” Helping our Children and Ourselves.
While practicing health precautions amid the start of the coronavirus crises in New York, over 120 community members gathered to celebrate the Jewish holiday of Purim at Chabad’s ‘Purim in Israel’ community party on March 10th. The event, led by Rabbi Pesach and Chana Burston, was held at the Town of Monroe Senior Center.
As of tomorrow, March 16th, all public schools will be closed across New York City until at least April 20th, announced NYC Mayor Bill DeBlasio. The mayor also noted that the closure may continue through the end of the 2019-2020 school year.
With great sadness we report the passing of Dr. Alexander Schonfeld OBM. Dr. Alexander Schonfeld, a psychologist and Torah scholar. He passed away on Sunday, the 19th of Adar, 5780.
The topics in this week’s 300th episode of the highly acclaimed MyLife: Chassidus Applied series, with Rabbi Simon Jacobson, will include: Coronavirus: Should We Be Closing Schools and Shuls Due to Covid-19? How Did Our Ancestors Deal With Plagues? Has the Rebbe Ever Made Public Statements About Pandemics and What We Can Do on a Physical and Spiritual Level to Stop Them? Add a Mitzvah to Help Stop the Pandemic? Should We Organize a Larger Prayer Gathering? Can the Coronavirus Panic Possibly Be a Sign of Moshiach’s Imminent Arrival?
New York officials have effectively stopped trying to trace COVID-19 cases — saying everyone should assume they have already come into contact with the potentially deadly virus, according to an alarming report.
Darchei Menachem has announced that they have teamed up with Oholei Torah and Lubavitcher Yeshiva to provide pre-made breakfast and lunch for their students who are stuck at home due to closed school.
Lubavitcher Yeshiva Crown Steet has announced that they will be preparing breakfast and lunch for their students who are stuck at home due to closed school. Pickup for the meals will be each morning between 11:00am and 12:00pm in the lunchroom room at 570 Crown St..
Do you know of a child out of school due to the Coronavirus (COVID-19) Crisis? Is your child’s school not moving online? The Nigri International Jewish Online School, a project of the Shluchim Office, offers a variety of programs available to anyone, anywhere.
Beth Rivkah has announced that they will be preparing breakfast and lunch for their students who are stuck at home due to closed school. Pickup for the meals will be each morning between 12:00pm and 2:00pm in the lunchroom room at 470 Lefferts Ave.
Oholei Torah has announced that they will be preparing breakfast and lunch for their students who are stuck at home due to closed school. Pickup for the meals will be each morning between 11:00am and 12:00pm in the Oholei Torah Ddining room at 667 Eastern Parkway.