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Eber’s Purim Liquor and Wine Sale

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Weekly Letter: “How Can a Civilized Person Today Accept Such a Command to Wipe Out an Entire Nation?

This Shabbos it is a mitzvah to read the additional portion Parshas Zachor – to remember what Amalek did to us, after we left Mitzrayim, and the command to annihilate the nation of Amalek. Haman was a descendant of Amalek and we therefore read this portion before Purim. The Rebbe’s letter is in answer to one who is questioning this seemingly cruel command “How can a civilized person today accept such a command to wipe out an entire nation?”

Winners of N’Shei Chabad Mivtzoim Auction Announced

Crown Heights women gathered for the 2nd annual auction on February 23rd at Lubavitcher yeshiva, benefiting the Rebbe’s Mivtzoim. Upon registering, Each participant received a pouch with some Mivtzoim material and a beautiful card explaining the idea of ‘”Mivtzoim on the go’”. Wherever one goes one should always have some material to give to another Jew to awaken the pintele Yid within.

As Global Health Crisis Worsens, Chabad of China Asks for Help

As the coronavirus, or COVID-19, continues its worrisome spread around the globe with more than 80 affected countries and territories, China, where the virus originated in late December, has been deeply impacted with more than 80,000 infected and almost 3,000 deaths. Now, Chabad of China needs your help.