No Injuries in Schenectady Ave Fire in Crown Heights
A fire broke out in a two floor private home on Schenectady Ave Sunday night, triggering a large response from the FDNY. No one was injured in the fire.
A fire broke out in a two floor private home on Schenectady Ave Sunday night, triggering a large response from the FDNY. No one was injured in the fire.
The topics in this week’s 283rd episode of the highly acclaimed MyLife: Chassidus Applied series, with Rabbi Simon Jacobson, will include: What Lessons Can We Learn from the Current Impeachment Hearings? Chassidus Applied to Chof Cheshvan; Are Non-Jews Created in the Divine Image? Do They Have a Soul? Is It Appropriate to Recite the Blessing on a King When We See the President of the USA? Should I Be Bothered by My Spouse Speaking to People of the Opposite Gender? Does the Soul Feel What the Body Feels?
Faroese Foreign Minister Jenis av Rana told the Danish-language newspaper Politiken on Thursday that he plans to open a diplomatic office in Jerusalem after the funds are allocated.
Cheder Chabad of Monsey held an Arinfirenish for a large group of approximately 30 boys for the first time. The arinfirenish, an age old custom, was lead by Rabbi Schusterman who has done hundreds of boys arinfirenishen for over 30 years.
We present a Photo Gallery by Morde’hai Lubecki of a Melava Malka held in Paris for Mechanchim. The event ended with a farbrengen with London Yeshiva Gedolah’s Mashpia, Rabbi Mendel Gordon.
Rabbi Chaim Dalfin, a student of R’ Meilech Zweibel obm, shares some memories and facts about the loved Mashpia in honor of his Yartzeit on the 19th of Cheshvan.
6 Charedi news outlets were moved and inspired by the work of Chabad In Manchester after being hosted and receiving a complete overview of the centers activities.
This past summer, chof ches sivan, Shmuel Karnowsky obm was taken from our midst at the tender age of 15. In his honor, his classmates and friends are fundraising money to dedicate a Mitzvah Tank in his honor.
In a fast-paced world full of chaos and distraction, Ckids spreads Moment of Silence, a campaign dear to the Rebbe that teaches kids what happens when they quiet down.