Weekly Letter: Resurgence of Nazism

This week we present a multi-layered letter dealing with a number of topics – including: protestation against G-d as proof of belief in Him, why prayer and the case of “Acher” . But it is the topic of the resurgence of Nazism that is of particular interest – as the topic of renewed antisemitism today is again making headlines.

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JEM: Answering The Demand in Another Language

The interest in learning about the Rebbe and his teachings has been steadily increasing across many communities and audiences. Answering that call, and on top of already existing Facebook pages in English, Hebrew, Spanish and French, JEM is excited to launch a new Facebook page in Russian, ever-broadening the Rebbe’s impact.

CGI Siyum Harambam Project

This year’s Siyum Harambam will take place in the middle of the summer. This presents a special opportunity to inspire and unite our campers about the takana to learn daily Sefer Hamitzvos. In this vein, camps Gan Israel in Detroit, Florida, Montreal, Parksville and Toronto will be joining together to simultaneously celebrate the Siyum Harambam via live webcast – actualizing one of the main ideas behind the takana: Achdus Yisroel.