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N’shei Chabad Newsletter Writing Contest

How many times have educators wondered: What is going on in the minds of our students? How can we truly help them without understanding them? How many times have students sat in a classroom and pondered: Do our teachers even know us? How can we learn if they don’t know who they’re teaching? In order to spark dialogue between mechanchim and students in our community, and to create useful conversation that will bring clarity to both sides, the N’shei Chabad Newsletter is hosting its first ever writing contest.

JLI: Make the Clock Work

JLI presents another video in its Chassidic Gems Series. “Make the Clock Work” tackles the question, What is the secret to time management? It’s a question you must answer every day!

Picture of the Day

Rabbi Zalman Mendelsohn, the Chabad representative to Wyoming, visits the headquarters of the US department of education for meetings to further the Rebbe’s campaign on a moment of silence, education and sharing.

BDE: Mrs. Rivka Schechter, 91, OBM

With great sadness we report the passing of Mrs. Rivka Schechter OBM, daughter of the Chosid Reb Shmuel Yitzchok Reices who owned a fabric store on Kingston Avenue for many years. She passed away on Shabbos afternoon, the 20th of Iyar, 5779. Updated with levaya information.