Photos: Boro Parkers Share Simcha with Beijing Shliach
Dozens gathered Wednesday night at the home of Yidel Perlstein in Boro Park to celebrate the Sheva Brochos of the daughter of the Chabad Shliach in Beijing, China, Rabbi Shimon Freundlich.
Dozens gathered Wednesday night at the home of Yidel Perlstein in Boro Park to celebrate the Sheva Brochos of the daughter of the Chabad Shliach in Beijing, China, Rabbi Shimon Freundlich.
While traveling on Merkos Shlichus in rural New Mexico, Bochurim Duni Blotner and Zalmy Goldberg stopped for a routine cup of coffee at Starbucks. Outside the shop, they met someone who – unbeknownst to them – was experiencing ‘the darkest day of his life.’
All of a sudden, one of the prisoners in that barrack began sobbing and he couldn’t stop. After a few minutes, the leader of the group asked him, tell me, why are you crying now, we can’t let them realize that we are broken!
With much fanfare, the sixth Sefer Torah for Jewish children was completed in Jerusalem, in a joyous celebration adjacent to the Western Wall.
CrownHeights.info and Lubavitch Archives present a unique photo of the Rebbe greeting someone as he leaves 770 to go to the Ohel.
This Shabbos at the Besht, Rabbi Fishel Oster, Magid Shiur in Oholei Torah and a Mashpia to yungerliet in Crown Heights, will lead a discussion on the topic: Mezuzah – Mitzvah or Protection?
It was a perfect day to enjoy the winter sun at Sydney’s Bondi Beach as politicians, past and present, business leaders and representatives from a wide cross-section of the community including Dame Marie Bashir, former Governor of NSW and Phillip Ruddock, ex Federal MP, gathered to honour Rabbi Dr Dovid Slavin of Our Big Kitchen.