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InfoDeals Daily Deal – 62% OFF ZESICA Women’s Long Sleeve Sweater Dress

Grab this perfect InfoDeal!

ZESICA Women’s Long Sleeve Sweater Dress

Fall Crewneck Ribbed Knit

Pleated A-Line Maxi Dress

DEAL PRICE: $19.98 – $30.09 (62% OFF)

Grab The Deal Through Amazon: Click Here

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Video: Treasures of Another Kind

This inspiring video, produced by Moshe Raskin of Swish Media, promotes the upcoming JLI series: Journey of the Soul. The video features Chassidic rock band 8th Day, whose song ‘Just Like You’ tells the story of a student who went to visit a sage, and is astounded to see the sage has virtually nothing in his home. The rabbi’s transformative explanation for his apparent lack teaches us all we need to know about our life’s priorities.

Two Arrested for Terrorizing, Beating Fellow Student

A ‘Kvutzeh’ student has become the victim of a terror campaign perpetrated by his fellow students in a bid to evict him from his dorm room in the infamous and lawless 749 Eastern Parkway dormitory. The terror campaign against him included a series of robberies, a brutal beat down, letters containing threats and rifle ammunition left on his pillow.