Picture of the Day: Mazkir Is Menachem Avel
Rabbi Leibel Groner, a secretary of the Lubavitcher Rebbe, is Menchem Avel the family of Rabbi Shmuel Wosner, a Torah giant who passed away earlier this month in Bnei Brak.
Rabbi Leibel Groner, a secretary of the Lubavitcher Rebbe, is Menchem Avel the family of Rabbi Shmuel Wosner, a Torah giant who passed away earlier this month in Bnei Brak.
Aish, a Jewish outreach organization, recently profiled Rabbi Hirshy Minkowicz, Shliach to Alpharetta, GA, in an article on its website. Despite his wife Rashi’s sudden death, says Aish, he is determined to live with meaning and joy.
Marking 30 days since the tragic fire in their Flatbush home that claimed their lives, the Matzeivos for the 7 Sassoon children were erected today on Har Hamenuchos in Jerusalem, Israel.
‘KosherSwitch’ is a controversial and revolutionary new technology that purports to allow Orthodox Jews to turn light switches on and off on Shabbos without violating Jewish law.
As we begin embracing the warmer weather by allowing our children to play outdoors and ride their bicycles, one Crown Heights family shares their memories from last year, when their 14-year-old boy miraculously walked away from what could have been a devastating accident.
A Kingston Avenue panhandler, known for his aggressive and unstable behavior, was forcibly admitted to the psyche ward at Kings County Hospital after he threatened and assaulted a person who refused to give him ‘tzedakkah.’
Rabbi Yisroel Rubin, Head Shliach of New York State’s capital region, appeared on Cable TV talk show ‘The Jewish View’ to discusses his project to document the escape of thousands of young Jewish men from German-occupied Poland to Shanghai, China, with the assistance of a high-ranking Japanese consul.
The U.S. Supreme Court won’t hear an appeal from the Litchfield Historic District Commission, which was sued for religious discrimination when it rejected plans for the expansion of a Chabad synagogue in 2007.
Rabbi Yitzchok Minkowicz, director of Chabad Lubavitch of Southwest Florida, delivers his insights on this week’s Parsha – Tazria – Metzora. This week Rabbi Minkowicz answers the question: How can one know oneself?
With great sadness we inform you of the untimely passing of Mrs. Kreina Devorah Hirshorn, OBM, of Nachlas Har Chabad, Israel, after a lengthy battle with a dreaded illness. She was 55 years old.
This week the Singer family will be moving on Shlichus to Bristol, England where they will serve as Shluchim on campus. Chaya Singer writes about their first Shlichus experience.