Boruch Dayan Hoemes: R. Nachman Meir Bernhard, 80, OBM
It is with great sadness that we inform you of the passing of Rabbi Nachman Meir Bernhard OBM on Wednesday night, a pillar and legacy of the South African Jewish community. He was 80 years old.
It is with great sadness that we inform you of the passing of Rabbi Nachman Meir Bernhard OBM on Wednesday night, a pillar and legacy of the South African Jewish community. He was 80 years old.
Rabbi Shmuel Lesches, Magid Shiur in the Yeshiva Gedola of Melbourne, Australia, has compiled a guide to the laws and customs of Kapparos, Erev Yom Kippur and Yom Kippur for the benefit of the wider Lubavitch community.
In honor of Rebbetzin Chana’s 50th Yahrtzeit yesterday, Vov Tishrei, a full-day schedule was arranged for the hundreds of guests who arrived in Crown Heights for the month of Tishrei.
David Sussman found himself in a quandary. The year was 1990, the place: Durban, South Africa. His friends were leaving the country in droves due to the political unrest and upheaval, and he felt compelled to join the exodus. Additionally, he was being offered a new job position with the promise of a salary that was ten times what he was currently making. David couldn’t decide on a plan of action; what was he to do? For days and weeks he mulled over these questions, yet he could not come to a conclusive decision.
After a hiatus of several months, the wheel thieves are back in business.Their latest victim: a brand-new Honda Accord parked on Carroll Street between Kingston and Albany Avenues, whose wheels were stolen in middle of the night and the car’s body left resting on crude cinderblocks.
The fun holiday that follows Yom Kippur finally gets a fun music video to boot. Sukkahs are falling, Lulavs are flying, and there are some sweet vocal harmonies in this visual treat by Rogers Park Band, starring Yosef Peysin and Mordy Kurtz, with a cameo appearance by comedian Mendy Pellin.
In a video series that may come in handy for aspiring Chazanim, produced for Chabad.org by Moshe Raskin of Swish Media, Chazan Aryeh Leib Hurwitz beautifully presents the traditional High Holidays rendition of five Yom Kippur prayers, including: Kol Nidrei, Hineni, Kaddish for Musaf, Unesanneh Tokef and Vehakohanim.
A Brooklyn man was indicted for a daring crime spree near the corner of Utica Ave. and Lincoln Place in Crown Heights, in which he allegedly impersonated a police officer, pulled over a van, brandished a gun, and threatened to kill its driver.
In honor of Vov Tishrei, Rebbetzin Chana’s yahrtzeit, the talmidim of Oholei Torah Elementary School received a special Sefer, From Day to Day, one of the first Seforim printed by Kehos for children, which the Rebbe prepared and Rabbi Nissan Mindel transcribed to English. This was done under the auspices of the Frierdiker Rebbe.
In honor of Vov Tishrei, Rebbetzin Chana’s yahrtzeit, the 6th grade class of Cheder at the Ohel had a farbrengen with Rabbi Yisroel Shemtov.