Rare Footage of the Rebbe Doing Havdalah

What happens when The Rebbe notices a new silver spice-box? A rare film of the Rebbe performing the Havdala ceremony at the conclusion of Shavuos and Shabbos in 1976, and subsequent distribution of kos shel brocha, wine from the “cup of blessing.”

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Angry Students Spread Inflammatory ‘Pashkvils’

This morning, residents of Crown Heights left their homes to find that during the night “Pashkvils” (anonymous leaflets) had been placed in the windshields of cars all over the neighborhood. The leaflets were placed by several students of Oholei Torah Mesivta, who were protesting a supposed “slight” to the Rebbe’s “honor” during the school’s group portrait that took place Wednesday.

Please Say Tehillim For…

Please take a moment and say a Kapital Tehillim for Simcha bas Esther, who was recently admitted to the ICU and is battling ‘yene machla,’ and needs our prayers for a speedy and complete recovery.