Mazal Tov's View More

Shluchos Recharge, Hone Their Skills, Goals and Friendships

Rivky Klein was watching the weather carefully this week. There was a snowstorm in New York City—along the entire northeast coast, to be exact—but Klein, of Chabad-Lubavitch of Tennessee in Memphis, didn’t want that to derail her plans. She and more than 2,000 other women are all signed up and ready to participate in an annual program—the International Convention of Chabad-Lubavitch Shluchos — designed to rejuvenate and inspire the thousands of women who serve Chabad centers around the world.

Sochi Stocked With All Things Jewish for Olympics Visitors

Miles of railway tracks, towering stadiums, sleek airport terminals and tons of snow stored from last winter are part of the gargantuan effort to ready the Russian city of Sochi and its environs for the millions of visitors expected for the 2014 Winter Olympics.

Weekly Living Torah: Life Giving Water

Our sages teach that in the merit of Miriam’s righteousness, a miraculous well accompanied the Jewish people throughout their wanderings in the desert and provided them with water. Through her unique contribution, Miriam acts as a role model for all Jewish women.