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InfoDeals Daily Deal – 74% OFF Mini Drone with Camera – 1080P HD Foldable Drone

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Mini Drone with Camera – 1080P HD Foldable Drone

With Stable Hover, Gravity Control, Auto-Follow

Trajectory Flight, 90° Adjustable Lens

One Key Take Off, 2 Batteries

DEAL PRICE: $44.99 (74% OFF)


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Info to Be Menachem Avel the Deren Family

The Deren family will be sitting Shiva after the passing of their mother, Rebbeztin Keny, OBM, in Pittsburgh until Friday morning. Rabbi Yisroel Deren and Chavi Altein will be sitting shiva at 1378 Union St. [between Kingston and Brooklyn Aves.] on Motzei Shabbos, and will be joined by the rest of the siblings there on Sunday.

Hamokom Yenachem Eschem Besoch She’ar Aveilei Tzion V’yerushalaim

Photos: Levaya of Rabbi Shlomo Lakein, OBM

Hundreds of Crown Heights residents attended the Levaya of Rabbi Benda Shlomo Lakein, OBM, as it passed by 770. Prior to making its way past the Lubavitch World Headquarters, the Levaya passed Darchai Menachem, the school which Rabbi Lakein founded. All of the students waited outside to bid their school’s patriarch farewell.