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Mazal Tov's View More

The Baal Teshuva Journey

The “Baal Teshuva movement”; the phenomena of those born into homes void of Jewish practice, committing themselves to observance of Torah laws, began in the early 1950’s. One individual, a man who in keeping with his newfound lifestyle adopted the Hebrew name Avraham, is commonly identified as the prototypical, if not the original, Baal Teshuva. As an innovator his story offers insights into this flourishing trend, including a plan of action and a refutation of common myths.

by Baruch Epstein

Music Video: Boycott Israel

Jewish Rapper Ari Lesser’s powerful music video begs the question: “Why is there such a strong call to Boycott Israel by various organizations and college professors, when the majority of countries around the world are committing verifiable atrocities that are all but ignored?”