Hate Crime Arrest Causes Pandemonium on Subway
A teen was arrested for an alleged hate crime on the 3 train in Crown Heights on Monday afternoon, sparking a chaotic scene when cops arrived to arrest him.
A teen was arrested for an alleged hate crime on the 3 train in Crown Heights on Monday afternoon, sparking a chaotic scene when cops arrived to arrest him.
Two prestigious religious rights organizations filed Friend of the Court (Amicus Curiae) briefs on Monday in the federal second Court of Appeals in an appeal of a lower court’s decision denying an injunction against New York City’s unprecedented regulation of bris milah.
In what many described as the largest turnout ever for a life-saving beacon of chessed, thousands of Williamsburg residents jammed into the Ateres Avraham Hall this past Tuesday evening to lend their support to the amazing work of RCCS, the Rofeh Cholim Cancer Society.
The sights and sounds of the Boston Marathon bombings were met by all with shock and dismay. By all, I mean nearly all, aside from the Jordanians who reportedly were celebrating upon hearing of the successful terror strike along with, I imagine many other bloodthirsty Moslem extremists seeking daily to bring Israel and the West to its knees.
Lubavitcher Yeshiva Academy of Longmeadow, MA celebrated a Torah dedication in memory of Moshe Brown, of blessed memory on his first yahrzeit just before Pesach. The event was attended by around 250 people. The Torah was donated by his wife, Joanne Brown. Many people in the community dedicated sections of the Torah as well.