Hate Crime Arrest Causes Pandemonium on Subway
A teen was arrested for an alleged hate crime on the 3 train in Crown Heights on Monday afternoon, sparking a chaotic scene when cops arrived to arrest him.
The NYPD says Brooklyn resident Stephen Stowe, 17, had harassed a Jewish passenger aboard a southbound 3 train; Stowe allegedly made anti-Semitic remarks to the passenger and stole his phone.
When the train got to the Eastern Parkway/Brooklyn Museum subway stop, cops came aboard to arrest him. That’s when pandemonium erupted, as you can see in the video below.
The person who uploaded the video wrote: “NYPD is called to assistance on the ‘3’ train in Brooklyn @ Brooklyn Museum. Man resisting arrest and officer calls for backup. Meanwhile, a woman goes rogue and pays the price…”
Cops told the Gothamist that Stowe resisted arrest by struggling, which you can see in the video. He has since been charged with aggravated harassment as hate crime, grand larceny of property, resisting arrest, and disorderly conduct.
But in the midst of the chaos, around the 4 minute mark on the video, things get even worse when a young woman violently resists arrest.
Cops say 22-year-old Brooklyn resident Sheniqua Joseph was “yelling and standing too close to officers, put her hands on officers while they were trying to arrest Stowe, and punched and kicked at an officer.”
Joseph has been charged with resisting arrest, obstructing government administration, and disorderly conduct.
a band fun chayos
G-D help us all
you get what you desrve…u deserve what you get
Anyone noticed that the sign in the back says “Bring Your Own iPhone?”
That’s from h20 the ad is on every subway
Why do they put white cops in black neighborhoods and black cops in white areas. SO THEY CAN YELL RACISM ?????
They yell Racism no matter what.
Any successful, educated, well off and respected black person who dares to speak out against the “black” culture, is also called a racist.
You would think that with a black president in office (elected twice in office), this racism crap would stop.
For the record; Eastern parkway-Brooklyn Museum is a pretty white neighborhood. I don’t suppose you expect every precint to have a suply of black cops just in case…
There is a black officer on scene.
Way out of hand there In my opinion
u cant steal phones ? who knew ?
Once they had her in handcuffs, They should have put her in that Litter Box
Put your daughter in a litter box, vile racist.
If it was an obama phone it was perfectly ok. was the government paying the bill?
nypd great job
The black girl deserves to be in slammer
When one interferes with a police officer, or even touches him, instant arrest.
Unfortunate situation
Its unfortunate how the Blacks ended up…They have so much self hatred and no self worth. A lady should act like a lady and if someone committed a crime she should have stayed away. Everyone should have stayed away. I know the cops situation isn’t so ideal here in CH but they are doing their job and everyone should have RESPECTED them and CLEARED OUT. Complete ciaos is what this is.
There are often negative posts against the local police on this ( and other) sites. Has anyone taken a moment to think about what Crown Heights / New York City would be like without our police ???? Would any of us face down that crowd ???? All professions and groups have their “rotten apples” – I always take a moment to greet our policemen on the street & say thank you. This video is a huge reality check of what we live in the middle of & the police are the ONLY thing that is keeping order here.
When they do good they should be praised. When they dont do to good they should be criticized.
After all they get paid for the job/risk they take. Let’s not pretend they are super volunteeres.
Yitzchok c jerusalem
Mamosh animals! Im so glad i dont live in ny or the US anymore!
Those poor poor cops look what they’re up against! G-d bless them! it astonishes me how those popel do not see what is WRONG there! the man stole someones phone and verbally abused them and all they can shout is he did nothing wrong?!!?
What is the safest car to ride in, closest to an MTC employee? I take the 3 train, and not looking for trouble!
Whenever you take the subway the safest car is the conductors car.That is what i do whenever i am in the subway.
Ha ha
What a good joke!!!
A LOYAL FAN (not “mendy”)
did you hear them in the beginning, :”he didn’t do anything” or was it he didn’t do nothing” (which is a double negative and therefore, he did do something)
That is why they commit so mant crimes. Their own peopls sanction it.
Instead of being upset with the theif they are yelling at the police.
hooray Nypd
In this case the NYPD was 100% awesome.
sorry but shame on new yorkers and i give it to the NYPD for fixing the situation what they put up with on a daily basis in some neighborhoods is unbelievable.
After 9/11 people should stand as one nation and have respect for each other instead of throwing stupid insults at each other.
It does not matter if your black, white, latino, jewish, muslim etc we are all G-D’s people and we need to respect each other on this planet.
Be human and not animals – out!!!!
Needs to be censored...
Kids check out this site…this is not for them to see. Think before you post “news”
if i had a son he would look like that (and the girl on the floor is my daughter )
Hashem Yishmor
Hashem Yishmor
what inteligent people you all are
wow! these comments just prove how much racism exists in the ch community! the man who was arrested is guilty. doesn’t matter his color skin, same for the people on the train… just getting all heated with the action. It can happen in a close knit community, people try to defend those that are close to them regardless of their wrongdoing….
Ignorant Comments
I agree. We can be hypocrites at times.
Love when there is a guy in the back ground screaming thats a female if she acted like a women I am sure she would have received respect
the way I see is they commit crimes and then create a ruckus when one of them gets caught; did they think that the police would let him go if they started rumbling; they certainly dont know their place; it is obvious that this could have erupted into a riot had the police not taken swift action
I think the fight had something to do with the guys broken arm.Did anyone else pick that up?
the guy got a broken arm?
It is not a black or white thing, but a respect thing. Children are becoming more and more disrespectful to authority, and parents are letting them run wild. Had the young man learned respect he would not have started the whole mele, and the female would not have challenged the police’s authority. Buckle up people these are the adults of the future.