MTA Chaplain Soothes Subway Operators in Tragedies

When there’s trouble on the tracks, transit workers turn to police, firefighters, paramedics — and The Rabbi. There’s no need for his full name. Anyone who has operated a train, welded rails or directed traffic from a radio tower in the last three decades probably knows Rabbi Harry Berkowitz.

NY Daily News
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Winners of the KSCVK Auction

Hundrends of woman and girls turned out all afternoon, and into the late Sunday evening, for Keren Simchas Chosson V’Kallah’s annual auction. The program took place in Oholei Torah on Eastern Parkway, where there was the viewing, entertainment and lots of food and drink. The auction benefits the organization which helps Chassanim and Kallahs pay for their wedding day.

Chabad of the Five Towns Packs Purim Gifts

Chabad Terror Victims Project welcomed Rabbi Zalman and Channie Wolowic along with members of their community who were on a Chabad of the Five Towns Israel Mission to Israel and who came to volunteer their time to help CTVP pack thousands of Mishloach Manot gifts for victims of terror and IDF soldiers and their families throughout Israel.