Flames of Chanukah Kindled at McGill University

The flames of Chanukah have been kindled on the campus of McGill University once more! This time, on the first night of the eight day festival of lights 2012, Mayor Michael Appelbaum, the first Jewish mayor of Montreal, joined Chabad at McGill to light the “Official Canned Menorah” on the lower field. The Canned Menorah was built from cans of food raised through a student led food drive.

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The Divine Candle

by Yochanan Gordon

Despite the vast amount of recovery and relief still ahead of us post-Hurricane Sandy, Chanukah could not come at a more opportune time. The whole purpose of Chanukah is to introduce the notion that where things are naturally dark, G-d introduces a miraculous light to illuminate that darkness.

Menorah Lights from the Place of Tragedy and Pain

Three lives were claimed by a rocket fired by Arab terrorists, destroying the top floor apartment of a building in Kiriyat Malachi, Israel. A beacon of light was placed in the location of such great pain and suffering.

Photos: 1st Light of Chanukah in Paris

A few hundred people gathered in the Chatelet Square in Paris, France for a Menorah lighting accompanied by music and dancing and concluded with a Menorah parade in the streets of Paris. The lighting was organized by Beit Lubavitch under the directorship of Rabbi Shmuel Azimov.