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InfoDeals Daily Deal – 50% OFF 130PCS Magnetic Tiles Building Blocks

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130PCS Magnetic Tiles Building Blocks

3D Magnet Blocks Construction Playboards

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DEAL PRICE: $21.49 (50% OFF)


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Video: Mini Israel in Long Island

Rabbi Sholom and Sara Esther Paltiel, Shluchim to Port Washington, NY for the past 22 years, give a tour of their magnificent kindergarten, a small-scale replica of the holy-land which was named “Florence’s Israel” – after the benefactor’s mother.

Guide: Times Halachos and Customs for Yomim Noraim

Ahead of the upcoming Yomim Noroim and Aseres Yemei Teshuva the Beis Din of Crown Heights released a twelve page booklet – in both English and Hebrew – which holds the answer to many questions and instruction as to many customs and Halachos related to the upcoming holidays.

The guide was compiled by the office of Rabbi Avrohom Osdoba for the benefit of the community.

Cambria Heights Residents Reject Ohel Bus Stop

Queens Chronicle

Dozens of residents slammed a proposal by an area synagogue to create a layover zone for charter buses that transport congregants to the facility in Cambria Heights, which is adjacent to the cemetery where the Orthodox sect’s beloved leader is interred.

Dear Mr. Mayor: Please Don’t Give Us Another Holiday

by Chani Vogel

Dear Mayor Bloomberg,

I am a lifetime resident of this great city of New York. I have grown up with all the mayors in NY starting with Lindsay, going on to Beame, Koch, Dinkins, Giuliani, and now you. I want to explain something to you. I know that politicians have an unusually strong sense of determination, which gives them the drive to forge ahead of typical people and place themselves into positions of power. I get it. I really do.