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Australian State Parliament Addresses Chabad


New South Wales House of Parliament. Inset: The Honorable David Clarke.

The following speech was given by The Honorable David Clarke, Secretary of the New South Wales Parliament in Sydney, Australia, today (Friday, August 24) at 4:00pm on the chamber’s floor:

Shlucha Returns to Serve N.C. Hometown

South Charlotte News

Rabbi Yisroel and Leah (nee Groner) Levin

Being involved in Jewish life has always been a part of Leah Levin’s life. Growing up in Charlotte, her parents have been respected members of the Jewish community, who created the Charlotte Jewish Day School.

Shwekey Rocks Cape Town

by Rabbi Asher Deren

For their third annual Gala Event, Chabad of South Africa’s West Coast in Cape Town took things to a whole new level on the 16th of August, as they hosted Cape Town’s largest ever crowd for a visiting Jewish performer.

Friendship Circle Unites People Through Music

NBC Milwaukee

Milwaukee Shliach Rabbi Shmaya Shmotkin

The High Notes Performance Group brings together people of all abilities. They use chimes and percussion to create charming melodies. High Notes is just one part of the Adult Friendship Circle which serves those living with physical, mental and cognitive special needs.